
Building Next Generation ITAM Capabilities for Today and Tomorrow

Download this ITAM brochure to learn about the current state of IT asset management and critical capabilities needed to evolve for the future.

Topics covered include:

  • Current state of ITAM maturity across global organizations.
  • Key ITAM challenges faced by organizations today.
  • Critical ITAM capabilities needed for today and tomorrow.
  • The impact of FinOps on IT asset management.
  • Conceptual ITAM architecture to deliver more business value.

Top 5 Drivers for ITAM Investment

Increasingly, IT organizations are tasked with increasing business value, rather than just reducing asset costs.

The pressure on IT organizations to reduce the cost of IT operations while increasing service levels and staying compliant now means that ITAM capabilities need to evolve to better meet business needs."

Learn more: Download the brochure today.

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Fri Jul 19 15:51:10 PDT 2024