ADM Summit on Demand

  • ADM Summit Keynotes

    Raffi Margaliot, Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Application Delivery Management (ADM) Product Group, along with his top Product Management Execs discuss the state of the ADM space, where it’s going, best practices, and the latest innovations that will ensure you build apps that deliver value and delight customers.

    Raffi Margaliot Welcome Keynote

    Raffi Margaliot, Micro Focus

    While moving fast is a business necessity, a "too fast, too furious" approach can create cracks in the foundation that lead to slow application delivery, poor quality, or worse: bad customer experiences. To break through the barriers, you need enterprise-ready solutions that provide better insights, tighter tool integration, and advanced intelligence. View this session to hear about our latest innovations and get a sneak peek into the future of application delivery.

    Closing Keynote

    Raffi Margaliot, Tali Levi-Joseph, and Archie Roboostoff Micro Focus

    Check out the Live Q&A with our ADM experts, moderated by Vivit Board Director Bob Crews, CEO Checkpoint Technologies

  • Lifecycle Management

    ADM Summit Lifecycle Management track sessions dive deep into the latest product releases and proven best practices for addressing the market shifts of Agile and DevOps. View these sessions to hear customers share practical product insights and invaluable usage tips, and what’s next for the Micro Focus Lifecycle Management portfolio.

    Keynote: Lifecycle and Portfolio Roadmap

    Tali Levi-Joseph, Micro Focus

    Digital transformation changes the way people do business, and accelerates the delivery of high-quality, innovative solutions that delight customers and outpace competitors. This shift puts greater emphasis on business value over individual releases, and connecting and measuring end-to-end activities. Join us for an interactive keynote that illustrates common “screaming” moments and how the Micro Focus Lifecycle and Product Management portfolio converts them to “streaming” activities. During the presentation, you’ll gain insight into application delivery trends, how to align value streams with strategy, and the integrated roadmap across our Lifecycle, Project and Portfolio, Requirements, Source Code, and Release Management solutions.

    Connecting and measuring legacy and agile applications

    Omer Felder and Jay Krackeler, Micro Focus

    Agile and legacy application development continues to be a reality for most enterprises. Determining where to invest for maximum business impact is an ongoing challenge. Teams need to learn how to communicate, coordinate, and plan for success. In the end, all teams have a common goal of providing value to the customer. Cooperation and communication between teams, regardless of methodology, is the key to success. Join this session to understand how Micro Focus’ end-to-end solutions can help you plan, prioritize, and optimize application development.

    DevOps without quality: An IT horror story

    Laura Keaton, Keaton Consulting Corp.

    DevOps, the current IT industry sweetheart, has a dark secret that has victimized organizations on their transformational journey. Investigate two case studies that left development and delivery teams in tatters and how ADM solutions could have prevented their disastrous outcomes.

    Project to product: Thrive in the Age of Digital Disruption with the flow framework

    Mik Kersten, Tasktop Technologies

    Agile and DevOps transformations have been key for speeding up software development, yet at large organizations, these transformations are often declared failures with limited ROI. Development work is still disconnected from the business needs and teams are struggling to accommodate decades-old software architectures; resulting in substantial technical debt. Based on his work with Fortune 100 enterprises, Dr. Mik Kersten presents a new concept, the Flow Framework™, which unravels the enigma of enterprise software delivery, providing an approach that helps organizations better understand the human and system dynamic that underpins their IT infrastructure. Mik will conclude by showing examples of how ALM and Octane can make up the backbone of your connected value stream network.

    Five principles of lean application release

    Erika Leifker, Micro Focus

    DevOps is not so much a destination as a journey–a kind of fitness program that can help companies transform the business into a world-class competitor. Like any fitness program, it will be difficult and, at times, painful. The result, however, is a lean, agile, and muscular technology management organization that will allow a business to defeat its foes. Join this session to learn the five principles of orchestrating application releases and controlling your pipelines with better visibility and collaboration across multiple teams.

    Synchronization, visibility, and full traceability across your ALM assets

    Stephen Vetica and Mark Kulak, Micro Focus

    DevOps is all about bringing together people, technology, and process to deliver applications faster. But when you scale DevOps across siloed solutions and globally distributed teams, the ability to achieve DevOps success becomes increasingly difficult. Creating the necessary linkages across solutions can be time-consuming and risky. Join this session to see how you can easily connect the entire DevOps ecosystem and bring synchronization, visibility, and full traceability to all of your ALM assets.

    Three practices to bridge continuous integration, testing, and deployment

    Julian Fish, Micro Focus

    Agile and DevOps practices are better off together than they are apart. Implementing both in unison allows organizations to move faster, easily adapt to change, and build more amazing customer experiences. But when it comes to putting this into practice, some organizations struggle to unite continuous integration, testing, and deployment into an end-to-end pipeline. Join this session to understand how Micro Focus’ agile platform and release orchestration capabilities help create the automation bridge across continuous integration, testing, and deployment so organizations can prioritize application development at scale.

    Using DevOps analytics to optimize value streams

    Liran Levy, Micro Focus

    Many companies struggle to correlate how delivered applications map and support business value. Without clear visibility and defined metrics, organizations cannot measure, prioritize, and optimize the software delivery value stream. Join this session for an in-depth look at the advanced analytics, flexible KPIs, and hundreds of dashboards and reports already in Micro Focus application lifecycle management solutions. You’ll see how easy it is to focus on what is essential, and improve speed and quality in the software delivery value stream.

    Is your DevOps journey pointed in the right direction?

    Mark Levy, Micro Focus

    As IT organizations implement DevOps practices, their journeys can take many twists and turns as business needs change over time. How do you know your DevOps journey is headed in the right direction? If you were to reduce your cycle time by 80%, would that be considered a success? How will you know you are building and delivering customer value?

    Advanced deployment automation patterns

    Julian Fish and Mark Levy, Micro Focus

    The growth of complexity in software development has increased the frequency of application changes, and the need to deploy across multiple environments and infrastructures (physical, virtual, container, and cloud) may delay the whole "DevOps" concept. The trick to deploying applications efficiently is learning the key patterns and anti-patterns to avoid when automating the deployment pipeline. Join this session to understand these patterns, and when to apply specific deployment automation strategies successfully. We will discuss topics such as canary/blue-green deployments, mainframe/distributed dependencies, audit/compliance, pipeline visibility/management, human intervention, and integration.

    Closing the enterprise agile gap

    Eric Albaugh and Mark Kulak, Micro Focus

    As agile adoption scales across the enterprise, organizations struggle to empower teams while ensuring delivery aligns with organizational value. Each team delivering in increments must align with program needs, while program deliveries must align with defined solution and portfolio value. Join this session to learn how Micro Focus enables the transition from ad hoc teams to a connected enterprise flow of value, while addressing one of the most pressing challenges in scaling agile: built-in quality.

    Debunking the myths of artificial intelligence and machine learning

    Eran Bachar, Micro Focus

    The test automation space is flooded with claims of products using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the efficiency and resiliency of functional testing. Do you believe the hype or is the market confusing AI with other intelligent automation capabilities, such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR)? Join this session to learn what AI is, what it is not, and how Micro Focus is leveraging AI to deliver major advances in functional testing. You will see how the innovations will enable testers and reduce the cost of building and maintaining automation assets.

  • Testing Automation

    ADM Summit Testing Automation track sessions dive deep into the latest product releases and proven best practices for addressing the market shifts of continuous testing and shift left. View these sessions to hear customers share practical product insights and invaluable usage tips, and what’s next for the Micro Focus Testing Automation portfolio.

    Keynote: Functional and Performance Testing Roadmap

    Archie Roboostoff, Micro Focus

    As organizations increasingly accelerate their time-to-market for new applications and services, this naturally increases the pressure to quickly test while maintaining higher levels of quality. To meet this frenetic pace, you need greater automation and visibility. Join us for an exclusive preview of what’s ahead for the Micro Focus Functional and Performance testing portfolios. Hear how we’re carving out the future of relentless automation–whether on-premises or in the cloud–by employing advanced capabilities such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive analytics. See how you can shift left with QA built in to ensure the best user experience across any platform, device or network, even during heavy utilization.

    Solving the need for speed in the world of continuous integration

    Vivek Koul, McGraw Hill Education

    Today’s business dynamics have changed the way software is developed and shipped, especially within the Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. This means software teams are pushed harder and harder to increase software velocity, which is directly impacted by the speed of testing software performance and quality. The teams responsible for testing and certifying software performance are facing new challenges, such as performance testing multiple builds per day and microservice performance. So how do you test performance and quality without sacrificing velocity? In this session, you will learn how Micro Focus helped McGraw-Hill solve the need for speed in the world of CI by integrating Storm Runner Load in an automated manner. You will also hear about the fully automated performance engineering platform developed within McGraw-Hill which showcases some of the latest trends in performance engineering execution.

    Revolutionize performance testing with TruWeb

    Cyrus Manouchehrian and Gil Kedem, Micro Focus

    TruWeb is a state-of-the-art, lightweight, scalable, and cross-platform solution for web protocol testing designed to be simple, elegant, and for everyone. With TruWeb, the performance engineer can now transcend from being just a scripter to becoming a performance advisor. Join this session for a preview of TruWeb. See first-hand how this brand-new JavaScript SDK and engine allows you to shift left on performance scripting, and lets the whole process start with the developer.

    726,000 validations per month with an automated testing framework

    Graham England, Travelport

    See how Travelport, a leading provider of solutions for the travel industry, achieves rapid development and unifies a global team of developers and automation engineers to make over 726,000 test validations each month. Faced with a diverse range of solutions, from applications to web sites and web services, Travelport implemented an automated testing framework (“Test Factory”) built around UFT for UI testing. As Travelport adopted SAFe®, its framework evolved to incorporate LeanFT for its CI/CD environment, enabling the company to fully integrate an end-to-end test cycle, providing unit level tests, regression tests, analytics, and the ability to test around the world and around the clock.

    Project to product: Thrive in the Age of Digital Disruption with the flow framework

    Mik Kersten, Tasktop Technologies

    Agile and DevOps transformations have been key for speeding up software development, yet at large organizations, these transformations are often declared failures with limited ROI. Development work is still disconnected from the business needs and teams are struggling to accommodate decades-old software architectures; resulting in substantial technical debt. Based on his work with Fortune 100 enterprises, Dr. Mik Kersten presents a new concept, the Flow Framework™, which unravels the enigma of enterprise software delivery, providing an approach that helps organizations better understand the human and system dynamic that underpins their IT infrastructure. Mik will conclude by showing examples of how ALM and Octane can make up the backbone of your connected value stream network.

    Testing APIs - How Independent Health reduces testing time and costs with UFT

    Chris Trimper, Independent Health

    Learn how Independent Health, one of the highest-ranked health plans in the US, leverages the API testing capabilities available in Micro Focus UFT to reduce testing time, maximize license costs, and maintain a cohesive testing toolset. Also, learn how to increase the performance and quality of key customer-facing applications and web services by integrating service tests and UI tests as well as how to effectively automate web services regression testing. Gain new efficiencies and provide higher quality services by unleashing the full potential of UFT beyond just UI testing.

    Accelerating test automation for omni-channel applications

    Evgeny Karasik and Lior Amitai, Micro Focus

    The world demands today’s applications be delivered on an ever-increasing variety of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and wearables–all running different operating systems and browsers–and all the while delivering a superior user experience. Test automation is a critical factor for continuous testing in order to make fast delivery happen, but automation comes with costs and complexities. Join this session to learn how you can achieve faster automation adoption across different teams and skillsets, all while providing the freedom to access, control, and test on any device, browser, or platform whenever and wherever needed.

    How to fit performance testing into a DevOps world

    Ramesh Nagarajan and Sharon Levin, Micro Focus

    The pressure to ship quickly often leads teams to skip important performance testing steps and release without complete verification and validation–only to pay the hefty price of failure in production. Whether you shift left or shift right to achieve superb quality at scale, performance testing must be part of your DevOps pipeline and in your definition of “Done.” Join this session to learn how you can adopt smart performance testing techniques while still adhering to agile and DevOps principles, and how to effectively use Micro Focus performance solutions in a DevOps world.

    You’ve generated loads of performance data – now what?

    Felix Preisler, Micro Focus

    The accurate interpretation of performance test data informs critical tactical and strategic decisions during the application delivery process. A premature decision to go live with a new website or application can have profound ramifications that impact revenue, market perception, and the user experience. Since business value can depend on accurate test analysis and conclusions, you need to utilize the right metrics and approach to data analysis. Join this session to understand how Micro Focus solutions capture and present all the data collected during and after a load test, and how to best leverage smart analytics, anomaly detection, trend analysis, and dashboards.

    Eliminate waiting times within continuous testing

    Renato Quedas, Micro Focus

    Wait time is the silent killer of faster application delivery. Nowhere is this more true than in testing. You need to be “testing early and often” while simultaneously creating practices that standardize and automate processes so they’re easier to monitor and enforce. Join this session to see how easy it is to increase your DevTesters' efficiency in building and maintaining automation assets using multiple SDKs. You’ll see how to remove bottlenecks that often slow down projects and damage quality.

    Overcoming the challenges of DevOps adoption

    Arturo Centeno, VinSolutions, Cox Automotive

    While most strive for DevOps adoption, many struggle to implement real change. See how VinSolutions, an industry-leading provider of CRM solutions for the auto dealership industry, successfully provides software solutions based on DevOps principles. From the abstract to the concrete, see the step-by-step DevOps approach it took in achieving incremental growth. From the evolving landscape of automated testing to the ever-changing reality of customer needs and real-world challenges, see how VinSolutions implements DevOps principles to ensure transparency, reporting, tracking, and innovation.

    Reduce the impact of device and API dependencies across the connected enterprise

    Mirek Novotny, Micro Focus

    From computers to mobile devices to wearables to IoT, businesses are finding multiple ways to deliver new services and products that increase their competitive advantage. But multiple protocols, message types, and standards, coupled with the need to physically access Bluetooth and NFC devices, means IoT and mobile simulations can take hundreds of hours for API, mobile, and web testing. Join this session to learn how you can drastically reduce wait times in development and testing for dependent services–from hundreds of hours to minutes. We will illustrate test automation of complex scenarios across smart, NFC payments, and IoT.

    Navigating the waters of performance testing trends and strategies

    Stephen Dimitrov, Merito Solutions

    Do you lie awake at night wondering if you’re on the Titanic because your organization lacks a defined performance testing strategy? Or maybe you implement some basic performance testing and are wondering how to take those practices to the next level? We’ve all heard that performance testing is a must, a lack of which will “sink your ship.” But what does that mean, and why do we need to performance test even when our applications seem to be performing just fine? Join this session to learn about how “everyday” QA organizations implement performance testing, and why it works for some better than others. We’ll look at real customer examples and dig into what constitutes success, how new development practices are changing the way organizations are performance testing, and ways to determine when and how to incorporate performance testing into the lifecycle of an application before that ship has sailed.

    Debunking the myths of artificial intelligence and machine learning

    Eran Bachar, Micro Focus

    The test automation space is flooded with claims of products using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the efficiency and resiliency of functional testing. Do you believe the hype or is the market confusing AI with other intelligent automation capabilities, such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR)? Join this session to learn what AI is, what it is not, and how Micro Focus is leveraging AI to deliver major advances in functional testing. You will see how the innovations will enable testers and reduce the cost of building and maintaining automation assets.

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