ITOM Summit on Demand

  • Experience ITOM

    The ITOM Summit 2019 Keynote provides updates from Micro Focus leaders on how we are delivering innovations to help companies run and transform in hybrid IT environments. Watch this presentation to learn:

    • The latest on our cloud-native foundation and unified ITOM Platform
    • How analytics and orchestration ties everything together for a more efficient approach to IT Ops
    • How Micro Focus is using our own tools to solve similar digital transformation challenges as you
    • What you can expect from our upcoming release of Robotic Process Automation
    • How Accenture uses Micro Focus products to deliver value to their clients

    ITOM Summit Welcome and Keynote Session

    Tom Goguen, Micro Focus, Jerome Labat, Micro Focus and Jon Hunter, Micro Focus

    Micro Focus investments in our ITOM portfolio directly impact our customers’ business success. In this compelling keynote presentation, we will focus on you, our valued customers, and share how the advancements we drive in state-of-the-art IT operations management help you run and transform your business. Attend this session to understand how the Micro Focus approach can help your operations team address the challenges of Hybrid IT management through:

    • A cloud-native foundation that provides options for how you deploy, and is easily installable and upgradable
    • A unified ITOM platform that puts IT ops in control of meeting the needs of DevOps, security, and the business
    • Analytics and orchestration (AIOps) that ties everything together for a more efficient approach to IT ops

    ITOM Platform

    Alina Gicqueau and Patrick Deloulay, Micro Focus and Torrey Jones, Greenlight

    ITOM has made a bold move toward containerization of its products to pass benefits and efficiencies onto its customers; address their needs for deployment and management simplification; offer no-downtime upgrades; and deliver easy integrations and customizations. Two years into this journey, we have many beneficial results and learnings to share. Hear how to improve your deployments, benefit from the ITOM platform, and familiarize yourself with your own products available now as a set of compostable services that deliver our next-generation, container-based and multi-cloud solutions for ITOM and beyond.

  • Service Management Automation X (SMAX)

    Service Management Automation X provides a digital self-service experience for IT and non-IT service desks with native mobile applications, virtual agents (bots), social collaboration, and ChatOps, all driven by machine learning, analytics, and automation.

    Keynote: What's new in the Service Management Automation Suite

    Jacques Conand, Micro Focus

    The Service Management Automation portfolio includes all service and asset management products from Micro Focus. Leverage this portfolio as SMAX gains traction in the market. Benefit from the evolution of existing products as well as new, combined products that drive industry transformation.

    Run and transform Micro Focus with SMAX

    Keith Jahn, Micro Focus

    Product Services Delivery Center (PSDC) within Micro Focus is responsible for providing services and the underlying technology that power SaaS-based product delivery and product engineering (R&D) across product groups. The organization designs and manages a complex, hybrid IT environment comprised of over 40K physical devices, 200K virtual instances, and over 40PB of storage operating in 50 different data centers across the globe and in multiple public cloud provider ecosystems. Keith Jahn, leader of PSDC, will discuss how Service Management Automation X (SMAX) helps the team run and transform to a new service-centric operating model. He’ll share how SMAX enables greater cost-effectiveness and delivery efficiency into a hybrid IT management approach.

    Service Management Automation breakout and roadmap

    Steven Anderson, Micro Focus

    SMAX is a game-changing solution for all organizations seeking a holistic approach to advancing service management requirements for IT and digital transformation. It provides a different experience for end users, operators, and supervisors alike. This session will share details about the latest version of SMAX, along with a roadmap, architecture insight, and information on how machine learning and analytics are used in the suite.

  • Operations Bridge (OpsB)

    Operations Bridge provides containerized, service-oriented autonomous monitoring for Hybrid IT and cloud environments and applies AIOps to all data types. It reduces data noise, proactively detects problems, rapidly executes remediation, and improves collaboration across teams and tool silos.

    Keynote: Operations Bridge – next-generation operations management with AIOps and automation

    Harald Burose, Micro Focus

    Operations Bridge uniquely combines machine-learning driven operations across all data types with market-leading automation capabilities to drive operations at the speed of DevOps – helping your IT teams to rise to the challenges of the Hybrid IT world. In this session, we will explain how customers are getting value out of the solution today. Learn how the recent innovations of Operations Bridge further increase that value, shifting emphasis to Digital Experience Management and new AI capabilities to further reduce event volume and simplify collaboration, as well as delivery and deployment of the solution using COSO (our intelligent data lake). We’ll warp you into the Operations Bridge future and show you how IT will regain control by providing the flexibility and access to all data types as needed across DevOps teams using AI to optimize collection, analysis, and automation.

    Operations Bridge – empowering IT as a partner in delivering business value at Exelon

    Will Hermann, Exelon and Alex Ulbrich, Whitlock

    Hear how Exelon evolved its IT operations by partnering with Whitlock IS and Micro Focus. Learn about its solution, which drives value for stakeholders by increasing visibility and leveraging automation and analytics to drive service delivery efficiency and effectiveness in a dynamic hybrid environment.

    Operations Bridge – Sungard's journey to meaningful monitoring

    Shashank Khanolkar, Sungard

    A methodical approach to establishing an optimal and meaningful monitoring system is a journey in itself. Without proper planning, the process can be highly invasive, requiring an “all-in” attitude, a hard-line approach, and quick decision-making involving people, processes, and technology. This is especially true for a managed services provider like Sungard AS. Being prepared for a potentially bumpy ride can make all the difference between a complete/successful transformation vs. a failed/compromised one.

    Operations Bridge – shifting APM to Digital Experience Management

    Saumya Upadhyaya, Micro Focus

    In today's hybrid IT world, the application and user experience are more relevant than ever. Understanding the experience and its dependencies on various infrastructure services is key to delivering top-notch service to your customers. In this session, hear how Application Performance Management evolves into Digital Experience Management and integrates into Operations Bridge. Learn what that means in terms of new capabilities, and understand how to best take advantage of new and future capabilities as we build out AI-driven experience management.

    Operations Bridge – exploit the power of automation to run autonomous operations successfully

    Tapan Shah, Micro Focus

    Have you exploited the power of automation with Operations Bridge yet? Join us to learn how our customers are achieving autonomous operations using OpsBridge, and contribute by sharing the practices you follow in your organization. This session describes the journey – showcasing OpsBridge’s role in onboarding, monitoring automation, and root cause analysis – via AI Ops-driven automated event correlation and automated remediation using orchestration. Understand how all these dimensions are uniquely leveraged by large-scale enterprise customers. Hear about the benefits and ROI they have achieved. Get inspired to implement your own autonomous modern IT operations.

    Operations Bridge – Efficiency gains with automated AIOps

    Gary Brandt, Micro Focus

    AI-driven operations is the buzz in the industry. For more than two years now, Operations Bridge has gained expanded capabilities with machine learning to assist customers in finding the needle in the haystack. In this session, learn how our customers are taking advantage of its capabilities to optimize their monitoring and reduce 25% of their event volumes. We will share how to reduce mean-time to repair by utilizing Root Cause Analysis based on service-focused analytics across all your data. We'll also cover how to understand the recent innovations we released with Event Analytics, which are helping customers achieve even better event reduction today without configuring rules. Lastly, we will provide an outlook on how the consolidation of data into a single, market-leading analytical database (Vertica) will allow us to further benefit you around AI-driven operations.

    Operations Bridge – simplify dashboarding and reporting on top of a single analytical database

    Kara McMillan, Micro Focus

    By consolidating all data stores in to a single COSO concept, Operations Bridge can now provide simpler, faster access to your data. Join this session to understand how out-of-the-box dashboards can increase the time-to-value of data exploration and offer expanded reporting capabilities. Learn how real-time information can be combined with historical information, thus melding dashboards and reports into a unified experience. Discover how to take advantage of new capabilities and leverage current deployments without disrupting your current solution.

  • Hybrid Cloud Management (HCM)

    Hybrid Cloud Management helps IT teams employ flexible automation to design, deploy and manage hybrid and multi-cloud environments; orchestrate deployments and end-to-end IT operations processes; accelerate application delivery; broker and govern public and private cloud services from a unified containerized solution.

    Keynote: Hybrid and multi-cloud management with HCM

    Ramachandran Varadharajan and Renee Bradshaw, Micro Focus

    In today's IT world, hybrid and multi-cloud environments are the new reality. As a result, enterprises and service providers are tasked with tracking and governing multi-cloud spending while also accelerating hybrid IT delivery by embracing multi-cloud services. Join us to learn how, with a few clicks, Micro Focus Hybrid Cloud Management (HCM) can bring hybrid and multi-cloud services to your customers and govern them in a simple, intuitive manner! In addition, learn how HCM can help you accelerate your DevOps infrastructure and application delivery, and assist with your cloud migration. Join us and take control of your hybrid and multi-cloud environment!
    Accelerate Cloud Migration with Atos and PlateSpin

    Stephan Riebroek, Atos

    With today’s push towards hyper-convergence and hybrid IT environments, companies of all sizes are looking for solutions to help them move from one virtualization platform to another, consolidate data centers, or move servers to private or public clouds, including AWS and Azure. Atos is at the forefront of providing cloud migration solutions to customers who know where they want to go, but need help getting there. Come learn how Atos and Micro Focus work together to help companies tackle even their largest server and application migration projects on time, within budget and at lowest risk.

    Control runaway cloud spend with Hybrid Cloud Management

    Pradeep Chaturvedi, Micro Focus

    Are you dealing with spiralling public cloud costs? Is it difficult to track cloud spend and get the reports you need to manage it all? Attend this session to see how Micro Focus’ cloud management platform, Hybrid Cloud Management, helps customers manage and reduce public cloud overspending with innovative approaches to cloud brokering and governance. Learn how HCM’s cloud aggregation and brokering capabilities help enterprises keep their public cloud spend under control while still providing the public cloud services users need at self-service speed via an end-user catalog. Hear how our approach to cloud governance and analytics can help you ensure business unit consumption remains visible and within budget. Hear what’s coming in 2019 and learn about our latest product updates, including enhanced performance of AWS billing collection data using COSO bulk load capability.

    Accelerate application delivery with Hybrid Cloud Management

    Arul Murugan Alwar, Micro Focus

    Are your developers spending unnecessary time waiting for IT to release resources to the code pipeline? Are your initial application release success rates lower than desired? Micro Focus HCM’s integrated Application Release Orchestration (ARO) capabilities can help accelerate your DevOps practices. Join this session to learn how HCM helps organizations actively bridge Dev and Ops using integrated application release orchestration for continuous delivery and improved time-to-market. Hear how developers can experience on-demand consumption of resource environments and middleware directly from their Dev release pipeline. And experience how customizable and automated stage gates provide visibility for Ops into resource utilization across the release pipeline. See why Micro Focus builds all of its ITOM solutions using the HCM ARO capability and why Forrester rates our solution as a “Strong Performer” for the second year in a row.

    Migrate applications to any cloud with PlateSpin

    Jo De Baer and Justin Vanderwerff, Micro Focus

    Does your organization struggle to migrate servers and applications to the cloud? Do your migration projects experience unacceptable downtime or come in over budget? Whether it’s to Azure, AWS, or another cloud platform, enterprises are shifting to public cloud at record rates and cloud migration is a very real part of their cloud strategy. In fact, Forrester reports that 75% of enterprises state that cloud migration is key to their cloud strategy. In this session, we’ll show how Micro Focus’ cloud migration solution, PlateSpin Migration Factory, helps customers migrate servers and applications to any cloud, faster, with less risk, and at lower overall cost. Come hear how innovative capabilities—including one-click sandboxed testing, automated incremental replications, end-to-end project lifecycle management, and the highest levels of automation—work together to help you tackle your largest and most complex migration projects, while experiencing minimal downtime.

  • Data Center Automation (DCA)

    Data Center Automation provides orchestrated vulnerability risk and IT compliance management for the hybrid enterprise.

    Keynote: What's new in Data Center Automation?

    Joe de Blaquiere and Pranesh Ramachandran, Micro Focus

    Data Center Automation is entering a new market! IT compliance and vulnerability risk management, meet Data Center Automation X (DCAX). No doubt you’ll have questions. What does DCAX mean for server automation (SA) deployments? How do you secure the data center against compliance and vulnerability risks? Join this session to hear how DCAX automates risk management and integrates with SA to fulfill new use cases. We’ll also share the DCAX innovation roadmap.

    Insights from the expert – monitoring and analysis for Server Automation

    Brett England, Micro Focus

    How do you unlock insights from Server Automation (SA) to manage your server mesh efficiently? With the SA monitoring sub-system, you can get insights into bottlenecks and resource constraints to perform capacity planning, identify trends, and make scheduling decisions. Join this session to learn about SA monitoring, analysis, and closed-loop configuration.

    Where security and operations come together – managing data center risks with DCAX

    Derek Kruger, Micro Focus

    How do you fit IT compliance and vulnerability risk management into existing enterprise IT business processes? There are service level objectives (SLOs) to keep up with, exceptions to manage, and reports to deliver. In this session, you’ll hear how Data Center Automation X (DCAX) aligns with existing processes, delivering end-to-end automation with policy-based SLOs, workflow automation, built-in exception management, and dashboards.

  • Network Operations Management (NOM)

    Network Operations Management helps manage, automate, and ensure compliance for physical, virtual, and software-defined networks.

    Keynote: Network Operations Management

    Pete Zwetkof and Brian Kaplan, Micro Focus

    Network management continues transforming to meet the needs of today’s organizations. Security, once generally outside the network domain, is now a primary concern. And, network teams are being tasked to transform to new, lower-cost, and more agile technologies such as SDN that fundamentally change how networks are managed. Join us as we discuss the breakthroughs Network Operations Management is delivering to enable security and support SDN. See the new workflow-based user experience that enables network managers to optimally direct their network fabric in terms of both compliance and performance.

    Ensuring network services at a telecom in Chile

    Jorge Cruz, Entel and Daniel Bregante, Micro Focus

    As the leading telecommunication provider in Chile, this telecom must deliver to its business and customers through infrastructure adapted to challenging terrain. Learn how the telecom relies on a full complement of Micro Focus solutions including Network Operations Management and Business Value Dashboards to ensure effective services.

    What's new in Network Operations Management

    Jon Kies and Brian Kaplan, Micro Focus

    Network Operations Management continues to evolve to support new technologies and capabilities. SDN support, 3D compliance, and change plans were all new updates for 2018. Join Jon Kies and Brian Kaplan to hear about the latest functionality being delivered by Network Operations Management and the core products of Network Node Manager i and Network Automation. As always, expect an interactive session where you have the opportunity to ask questions and start to plan how you can take advantage of the new functionality.

    Network Operations Management roadmap and strategy

    Pete Zwetkof and Brian Kaplan, Micro Focus

    From simple fault management to a comprehensive network management solution, Network Operations Management has come a long way in 27 years! Join Pete Zwetkof and Camilo Cuervo as they discuss the ongoing strategic direction of Network Operations Management and how that strategy will be implemented in terms of new features and capabilities. Enhancements for SDN, security, deployment options, and a new collect-once-store-once Vertica database are all on the roadmap. Provide your input to help shape the future delivery of these capabilities.

  • Data Protector (DP)

    Data Protector helps to simplify and standardize data protection across legacy and modern workloads, back up your virtual environments with agent or agentless VM consistent backup in VMware and Hyper-V environments, and meet stringent SLAs with a comprehensive data protection and availability solution.

    Keynote: Protecting your data in a hybrid IT environment

    Tyler Peterson, Micro Focus

    As organizations augment their legacy architectures – with dynamic, new infrastructures and applications that drive agility and better leverage information – they end up with a hybrid IT environment. The resulting diversification of data locations puts tremendous pressure on data protection. Organizations need a unified, flexible, multi-tiered architecture that enables centralized data protection across physical, virtual, and cloud environments. Join Tyler Peterson, Senior Product Manager for Micro Focus Data Protector, as he discusses how Data Protector addresses the challenges of complexity, scalability, and data security in today’s dynamic and diverse IT environments.

    Upgrading Data Protector - I wish I knew then what I know now

    Ron Greer, Nebraska Medicine

    Upgrading our systems and software is a necessary task that must be done on a regular basis. While we all hope it will be a quick, easy, and painless process, it often is not. Hear about some of the frustrations, surprises, and pain points encountered in a recent upgrade of Data Protector. Learn how to prepare ahead of time, how to ease the process, and how feedback is incorporated into future releases to make future upgrades as pain-free as we all want them to be.

    Hybrid IT data protection at a worldwide enterprise scale

    Craig Gleason, Tektronix

    How do you efficiently protect the data of a large, enterprise-scale company with offices and sites worldwide? Hear how one company made the decision to consolidate multiple data backup processes into a single tool that can handle the scale of their business operations. This talk will provide brief insight into the range of operating systems, applications, and data storage solutions being backed up on a global scale. Hear about the benefits and savings achieved by consolidating multiple backup processes into a single product, and what problems were identified and overcome along the way.

    Hyperconverged storage solution with HCM and Data Protector

    Richard Greenwalt, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

    HPE SimpliVity is a powerful, simple, and efficient hyperconverged platform that allows you to combine your IT infrastructure and advanced data services into a single, integrated all-flash solution. By consolidating your hardware and software devices into a simple, flexible building block, you can start reducing the cost and complexity of your IT environment. SimpliVity provides excellent replication and data backup capabilities itself and it can be used as a perfect platform for integrating into a hybrid environment. HPE has a deep partnership with Micro Focus and the development teams work closely together to provide integrated solutions using the ITOM products. Both HCM and Data Protector can easily be integrated with HPE SimpliVity. Together they provide more advanced functionality from managing hybrid environments to extending backup and data protection capabilities. Come hear about the benefits that can be achieved and what a “better together” solution both HPE and Micro Focus can provide for your company.

    Data Protector for Virtual Environments - best practices for virtualized environments’ backup and recovery

    Gautam Bhasin, Micro Focus

    As server virtualization continues to grow, it is important to protect not just the virtual environment itself, but also the growing workload with it. To take advantage of virtualization’s benefits, you need a highly efficient and secure data protection strategy. Join us to learn about Data Protector’s virtual environment capabilities and the best practices it enables you to adopt in your protection strategy.

    Data Protector for Hybrid IT - mastering the cloud

    Gautam Bhasin, Micro Focus

    Is your organization undergoing a hybrid evolution, or have you already adopted this model? Gain insight into how to centrally manage and protect large, distributed environments across physical, virtual, and cloud. Micro Focus Data Protector makes it simple for organizations to use cloud storage solutions as part of a single backup and recovery strategy. Data Protector features native integration to the Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Scality, and Ceph cloud storage solutions. Join us to learn the benefits of each of these cloud options and help your organization choose the one that best meets its needs as you move your data to the cloud and plan your disaster recovery strategy in hybrid IT environment.

  • Operations Orchestration (OO)

    Operations Orchestration is an industry-leading, enterprise-scale orchestration platform. It breaks down silos, integrates teams, tools, and technologies, and orchestrates almost any IT process. It offers thousands of out-of-the-box operations, workflows, and integration adapters that span AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Docker, Kubernetes, SAP, and service management tools.

    Keynote: Hybrid IT orchestration and automation with Operations Orchestration

    Guillaume Dubuc and Adi Dinita, Micro Focus

    Looking to automate manual workflows? Want to increase the speed of your service delivery while saving your staff countless hours of repetitive work? Look no further than the Micro Focus industry-leading IT process automation solution: Operations Orchestration (OO). Come hear about its exciting new features and capabilities—including robotic process automation—that have recently been added per customer feedback and market demand. This ground-breaking session will showcase not only the newest features in OO but also where we are headed in FY19 and beyond!

    Robotic orchestration X

    Guillaume Dubuc and Michael Bettan, Micro Focus

    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology creates digital factories to automate and integrate any repetitive administrative tasks. RPA reduces labor-intensive processes by imitating human effort to complete tasks, thereby boosting the capabilities of companies that perform high-volume transactional processes. Operating non-invasively on the surface (UI layer) without compromising the underlying IT infrastructure, RPA bridges the technology gap between fragmented, semi-structured legacy systems. Our RPA solution is based on the industry-leading Operations Orchestration (OO) and Unified Functional Testing (UFT) products. During this session, you will learn more about this RPA solution via a live demonstration.
  • Configuration Management Systems (CMS)

    Configuration Management Systems enables you to discover, manage and present data for hardware, software, applications and services in Hybrid IT environments, and their interdependencies.

    Keynote: What's new in CMS

    Doron Orbach, Micro Focus

    The new CMS (Universal Discovery and UCMDB) releases can help you gain visibility and better manage your IT resources, including on-premises, containers, and cloud environment. Join this session to experience the new features of the latest CMS releases, including discovery of Kubernetes, OpenShift, and public cloud. Hear first-hand the future roadmap direction of the products.

    CMS strategy and roadmap

    Bill Dyck, Micro Focus

    Join us to hear about advanced capabilities of CMS, including CMS policies and compliance, smart discovery (new discovery UI), smart mapping, software asset management, and CMS for cloud.

    How Micro Focus CMS can help you transition and manage cloud and containers

    Doron Orbach and Pulin Brahmbhatt, Micro Focus

    New releases of Universal Discovery offer advanced capabilities to discover and map services and infrastructure that are deployed on private and public clouds or in containers leveraging technologies such as Kubernetes and OpenShift. See how you can leverage your data in ITSM or cloud management processes either using Micro Focus suites or other tools.

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