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CORBA Application Architecture Review

Micro Focus has been committed to its customers' success since 1976. Like many of the Micro Focus COBOL systems that have been around for decades, CORBA systems are designed to live a long time and are often at the heart of many mission-critical customer application infrastructures. Customers are architecting new applications with services-oriented architectures and want their Orbix-, Orbacus-, and VisiBroker-based applications to be a part of these systems. With any change comes the risk of impacting the user service level commitments. Many companies are looking for a baseline for their CORBA applications because the application might not be well-documented or was part of an acquisition with no documentation at all.

The Micro Focus CORBA Application Architecture Review offering gives customers an understanding of their CORBA architecture as it is today. This is a critical step needed for any customer looking to change operating systems, move toward virtualization, or allow their CORBA-based applications to participate in modern SOA environments like Web services. We see many CORBA applications outlasting the teams that developed them, losing precious architectural awareness. An Architecture Review provides a baseline for the current development team and architects. It gives them the insight and understanding required to make important decisions on how to proceed with their application enhancements. The review gives the team the confidence that they are building future capabilities on a solid foundation.

The Architecture Review is a 5- to 10-day examination of the application's design, configuration, and deployment approach. The finished product of the review provides recommendations for practical adjustments that will improve performance and scalability, find risks to consider, and provide the base for future architectural considerations. The timeline of the review depends on the complexity of the application and will be established during a planning conference call.


Service Offering & Deliverables

This offering involves Micro Focus CORBA Solution Architects (SA) review and assess the existing operating environment, application configuration, source code, customizations, and deployment practices in order to plan improvements.

This service offering includes the following service components:

Operating Environment Assessment: 1-2 days

This assessment delivers the following:

  • Confirmation that operating system, compiler, and patches are fully supported by latest version Micro Focus product(s)
  • Discussion and agreement on a go-forward roadmap that ensures the CORBA system is future-proofed
  • Recommendations for how currently deployed hardware architecture may be improved
Source Code Evaluation: 2–4 days

This evaluation delivers the following:

  • Assessment of the use of CORBA at the code level
  • Verification of consistent adoption of the programming model and standards-based approach
  • Identification of any development challenges related to code compilation and execution
  • Recommendations for performance and/or development efficiency improvement
  • Review of current unit and system tests
Complete Review Report: 0.5 day

This report includes:

  • Architecture Review for the use of Micro Focus products in the currently deployed environment
  • Recommendations for future plans, including outlines of potential pitfalls and dangers in timelines for development, testing, and deployment. At each stage of the engagement, these recommendations will be added to. They will be finalized in the second half of the last day.
  • Recommended go-forward plan options, including minimizing timeline and milestones challenges for development, testing, and deployment
  • Risk identification
Deployment and Configuration Evaluation: 1–2.5 days

This evaluation delivers the following:

  • Identification of any redundant services deployed, or existing services under-utilized
  • Identification of any performance improvements available through configuration changes or simplifications through appropriate scoping of values associated with how consumers discover services
Evaluate Problem Investigation Procedures: 0.5–1 day

This evaluation delivers the following:

  • Review of problem investigation procedures in place
  • Recommendations on problem investigation procedure improvements including use and manipulation of logging features without impact on production deployment

This offering involves onsite and/or remote consulting by up to two Micro Focus CORBA Solution Architects (SA).

A planning conference call will take place first, where roles, responsibilities, timeline, logistics, and deliverables will be discussed and agreed.

A detailed Statement of Work (SOW) including all tasks, deliverables and a timeline will be provided.

For more information, contact Micro Focus directly at

Service Fees

The estimated offering cost is as follows:
Less Complex Applications
Role Daily Rate No. Days Estimated Cost*
CORBA Solution Architect $2250 USD 5 $11,250 USD
More Complex Applications
No. Days Estimated Cost*
10 $22,500 USD
  • Travel is extra and billed at cost
  • All Services subject to a signed Agreement/SOW
release-rel-2024-9-1-9465 | Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024
Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024