Database Connectors

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Micro Focus® Database Connectors are designed to simplify the transition from traditional COBOL data files to relational database management systems. Manually modifying COBOL source code to use SQL syntax is both time consuming and complex. Database Connectors solve this challenge by automatically translating the existing data file syntax within COBOL source code, into SQL instructions operating against a modern relational database. This approach removes the need for any application rewrite and delivers a bridge between RDBMS and COBOL applications—a proven approach to data modernization.

Database Connectors

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Micro Focus® Database Connectors are designed to simplify the transition from traditional COBOL data files to relational database management systems. Manually modifying COBOL source code to use SQL syntax is both time consuming and complex. Database Connectors solve this challenge by automatically translating the existing data file syntax within COBOL source code, into SQL instructions operating against a modern relational database. This approach removes the need for any application rewrite and delivers a bridge between RDBMS and COBOL applications—a proven approach to data modernization.
release-rel-2024-9-1-9465 | Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024
Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024