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Product Security

Secure Development

Our mission is to assure the secure development and delivery of Micro Focus software products, increase trust among our customers, and address & resolve security incidents.

Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL)

Micro Focus Software has established a framework to enable the proactive integration of security into its products lifecycle. The integration of comprehensive security controls such as design review, threat modeling, security testing, and more into the product lifecycle makes sure the risks are identified and appropriate mitigation is provided prior to the product release.


Enable secure product delivery



Our product security lifecycle is built from the ground up and our team is equipped with a comprehensive set of tools to deal with today's complex threat landscape.

Requirements and planning

Requirements and planning

Define the required product security level, prepare a product security plan and high level specifications.



Perform a threat assessment and build product architecture & design with appropriate mitigation in place.



Verify product security posture via comprehensive and independent product security testing.

Implementation and release

Implementation and release

Build secure product implementation and perform first level of security testing. Perform final security validations and approve product version for release.



Maintain a secure product according to evolving attack trends and customer feedback.

release-rel-2024-9-1-9465 | Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024
Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024