
This Connector allows you to receive data from products that are instrumented using the Novell Audit Platform Agent.

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NetIQ Audit 2019.1r1 Beta
1.2 MB
Jan 1, 2021
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Product compatibility
Version 8.4 · 8.5 · 8.6
Release notes



Bug 1115357: Internal Audit events for new connection and lost connection do not fill source/target fields

NetIQ Audit 2011.1r4
1.3 MB
Dec 23, 2020
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Product compatibility
Version 8.4 · 8.5 · 8.6
Release notes


The Sentinel Server Repeatedly Logs Connection Status Messages

Issue: When LogForceCaching is set to y in Platform Agent and when Platform Agent establishes a connection from the cache file to the audit server, the Sentinel server repeatedly logs connection status messages. (BUG 947885)

Fix: You now have an option to disable logging of connection related messages whenever a new connection is established and lost from the cache file to the audit server. For more information, see Section 3.2, “Adding an Audit Event Source Server,” on page 12.

Cannot Receive Events from NetIQ eDirectory

Fix: NetIQ eDirectory Instrumentation cannot connect to Audit Connector through Platform Agent. Hence, Sentinel cannot receive events from eDirectory. This issue occurs because eDirectory Instrumentation uses MD5 RSA certificate algorithm, which has been deprecated in Java 8 update 77 that is used in Sentinel 7.4. SP2. (Bug 985312)

Fix: Ensure that you have the following versions of applications along with Audit Connector 2011.1r4:

  • eDirectory 9.0.2 HF2 OR 8.8.8 P9 HF2
  • Platform Agent 2011.1r5

Audit Connector does not Receive Events from NetIQ Access Manager through Novell Audit Platform Agent

Fix: Audit Connector cannot receive events form Access Manager thorough Audit Platform Agent. Connection to Access Manager fails, and Audit Connector logs the null pointer exception error. (Bug 961696)

Fix: Audit Connector now receives event from NetIQ Access Manager.


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