MS Active Directory (AD) Content pack for Operations Bridge Reporter provides in-depth reports on historical trends of health and performance of different Active Directory Components. The Microsoft Active Directory reports provide information about the data consistency across all Domain Controllers (DC), Global Catalog (GC) replication time and replication status, Flexible Single Master Operation (FSMO) role transfer status for each role master, and CPU, memory, Directory Information Tree (DIT) disk and log file disk, utilization details for all DCs. These metrics are collected from the Operation agents as part of Microsoft AD monitoring by Microsoft AD SPI for Operations/OBM Management Pack for Microsoft Active Directory.
What's New : Adjusted support documentation for OBR 10.50 release
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What is New:
Releasing the content with latest OBR 10.50 support
MS Active Directory (AD) Content pack for Operations Bridge Reporter provides in-depth reports on historical trends of health and performance of different Active Directory Components. The Microsoft Active Directory reports provide information about the data consistency across all Domain Controllers (DC), Global Catalog (GC) replication time and replication status, Flexible Single Master Operation (FSMO) role transfer status for each role master, and CPU, memory, Directory Information Tree (DIT) disk and log file disk, utilization details for all DCs. These metrics are collected from the HP Operation agents as part of Microsoft AD monitoring by Microsoft AD SPI for Operations/Management Pack for Microsoft Active Directory.
Note: These are Re-branded Content Packs.
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