9.12 Managing the Azure User Password for Azure Target Cloud Platforms

Provide a valid password for the Microsoft Azure user when you add the Azure target cloud platform. Ensure that you update the password for the cloud platform in PlateSpin Migrate if you modify it in Azure.

Workload migrations can fail in the following conditions:

  • Invalid password: If the stored password for the Azure user is invalid, an authentication error occurs when the next connection to Azure is requested.

    If the Azure user modifies the password in the Microsoft Azure portal while migration tasks are running, the tasks will fail with an authentication error when the next connection to Azure is requested.

  • Expired password: If the stored password for the Azure user expires in Microsoft Azure, a Password Is Expired error occurs when the next connection to Azure is requested.

    If the password expires while migration tasks are running, the tasks will fail with a Password Is Expired error when the next connection to Azure is requested.

To resolve failed migrations to Azure for password issues:

  1. (Conditional) If the Azure user’s password is expiring or has expired, log in to the user account in the Microsoft Azure portal, then set a new user password. See Reset Your Work or School Password in the Microsoft Azure Documentation.

  2. Log in to the PlateSpin Migrate Web Interface, then go to the Targets page.

  3. Update the password that is stored for the Azure user for any affected Azure target cloud platforms.

    1. Click the name of a target platform to access the target platform settings, then click Edit.

    2. Specify a valid password.

    3. (Optional) Click Test Credentials.

    4. Click Save.

  4. Rerun any failed workload migrations to the affected Azure target cloud platforms.