VM Explorer

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VM Explorer

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    Powerful web interface
    (English, Italian, Spanish, German, Chinese (Simplified), French, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian), and Russian).
    Cluster support
    vCenter and Hyper-V cluster support.
    Backup, Incremental backup and restore for ESX/ESXi, and Hyper-V.
    Replication and incremental replication for ESX/ESXi and Hyper-V.
    Cloud backup
    Backup to the cloud (Amazon S3 & S3 compatible targets, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace, OpenStack), tape/ VTL or disk.
    File-level and email restore
    Microsoft Exchange 2013 & 2016 single, multiple and mailbox email restore (GRE).

VM Explorer

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release-rel-2024-9-1-9465 | Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024
Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024