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Chapter 8: DBD, PSB and MFS Statements

This chapter details the support IMS Option provides for the DBDGEN, PSBGEN and MFSGEN source statements.

See the chapters For the Database Administrator (DBA) and For the TM/MFS Expert in this guide for additional information.

8.1 Overview

The source statements are grouped in major categories of language control statements and definition statements. Language control statements, such as COPY, control the processing of the Gen utility. The definition statements define the DBD, PSB or MFS member. With each statement, the valid keywords or positional operands are listed with their possible values and a description of the support that IMS Option provides.

8.2 General Specifications

The format of the statements, positional operands and keywords are the same as defined by your IBM IMS/ESA manuals. This includes continuation rules, comments and labels except as noted here.


There are two areas, language control and statements.

8.3.1 DBDGEN Language Control - COPY

Any number of COPY statements can be defined. Nested COPY statements are not supported by DBDGEN. COPY statements are edited. ++INCLUDE and -INC statements are supported as if the ++INCLUDE or -INC statement was a COPY statement. The extensions provided by these two library management statements are not supported.

8.3.2 DBDGEN Statements

The following sections describe the DBDGEN statements:


The AREA statement does not affect the processing of Fast Path DEDB databases and is not edited. All segments in a DEDB reside in the same area. DATASET

The DATASET statement's effect on GSAM is summarized below. For more information about GSAM databases, see the sections GSAM Considerations in the chapter For the Database Administrator (DBA) and Unsupported DB Features in the chapter Product Summary.

Keyword Values Description
RECFM F, FB, V, VB Can be used to determine GSAM DBD's record format
U GSAM undefined length records are not supported
REL All values Supported and edited
DD1 *NAME Can be used for GSAM input DD
DD2 *NAME Can be used for GSAM output DD
RECORD max, min Can be used to determine GSAM DBD's record length.
SCAN All values Not supported but edited
FRSPC All values Not supported but edited DBD

Only one database can be defined in any one input data set.

Keyword Values Description
NAME *NAME Supported and edited

The database is known by this name and not the name of the input data set. The database data files are also known by this name.

Only the first name in a list is used. Shared secondary index databases must be defined as separate INDEX DBDs. The CONST keyword of the XDFLD statement is supported and appears in the index segment if processed as a stand-alone database.

ACCESS All types Supported. Assumed valid and is used for subsequent processing and editing.

All access types are supported. SHSAM and SHISAM databases cannot be read from a COBOL program's FD. GSAM databases can be read or written by a COBOL FD.

RMNAME All values Not supported but edited
PASSWD All values Ignored
EXIT All values All EXIT options are supported except LOG. A maximum of nine EXIT routines may be specified. See the chapter For the Database Administrator (DBA) for details on data capture exits.
VERSION All values The maximum length of the VERSION value is 128 bytes, after substitution. See the chapter For the Database Administrator (DBA) for details on data capture exits.
Others   Any keyword not listed produces a warning message DBDGEN

Supported and edited. END

Supported and edited. FIELD

A maximum of 1,000 FIELD statements can be listed in one DBD.

There is a restriction of 512 bytes on the length of the key that IMS Option uses internally to store each segment in a database. This length is calculated by summing the lengths of the longest sequence field at each level in the database and adding two bytes for each level in the database. For non-unique sequence fields (SEQ,M), add four bytes to its sequence field length for this calculation. For non-keyed segments, use four bytes as its length for this calculation. If this limitation is exceeded, you see DBDGEN error message number DBDUT0L11.

For example, a database with just three segments, a root and two children of the root. The root sequence field is 10 bytes long, the first child's sequence field is 15 bytes long and the second child's sequence field is 25 bytes long. The sum of the key lengths at each level is 10 plus 25 for a total of 35. Adding two bytes for each of the levels in the database gives an IMS Option key length of 39.

Keyword Values Description
NAME *NAME Supported and edited
SEQ Supported and edited
U, M Supported and edited
BYTES All values Supported and edited

The maximum supported length of a field used in an SSA is 255 bytes. You see a warning message if this value exceeds 255.

START All values Supported and edited
TYPE All values Supported for MSDB and Field Level Sensitivity
Others   Any keyword not listed produces a warning message FINISH

Supported and edited. LCHILD

The LCHILD statement is supported and edited for logical relationships and secondary indexes. The LCHILD statement for the primary index of a HIDAM database is not required and not edited.

A maximum of 32 secondary indexes can be defined in one DBD.

A maximum of 32 logical children can be defined in one DBD.

Keyword Values Description
NAME *NAME Supported but not edited
PTR, POINTER SYMB Supported but not edited
All others Ignored
PAIR *NAME Supported and edited
INDEX All values Ignored. INDEX DBDs are automatically assigned to their indexed fields
RULES FIRST, LAST, HERE Supported for logical parents but not edited SEGM

A maximum of 255 SEGM statements can be defined in one DBD.

Keyword Values SEGM Description
NAME *NAME Supported and edited
PARENT 0, SEGNAME Supported and edited
SNGL, DBLE Ignored
logical parent Supported and edited. The virtual/physical pointer option is ignored.
BYTES All values Supported and edited

A maximum of 32,760 is supported. The value is not checked to see if it exceeds the device type capacity or the access method limits.

A maximum of 1,792 is supported for a segment in an INDEX DBD.

TYPE DIR, SEQ Supported and edited
FREQ All values Ignored
PTR, POINTER All values Ignored. IMS Option uses a proprietary pointer technique. All needed pointers are automatically created.
RULES logicals Insert and replace rules are fully supported. Delete rules are partially supported. See the chapter For the Database Administrator (DBA) for details.
FIRST, LAST, HERE Non-uniquely keyed insert rules are supported and edited. Rules of HERE are changed to LAST for logical children and root segments.
SOURCE All values Supported and edited
COMPRTN All values Ignored. Compression can be enabled using the DB Catalog or System Configuration Catalog defaults.
SSPTR All values Not supported - causes a warning message
EXIT All values All EXIT options are supported except LOG. A maximum of nine EXIT routines may be specified. See the chapter For the Database Administrator (DBA) for details on data capture exits.
Others   Any keyword not listed produces a warning message XDFLD

A maximum of 32 secondary indexes can be defined in one DBD.

Keyword Values Description
NAME *NAME Supported and edited
SEGMENT SEGM-name Supported and edited
CONST Constant Supported and edited
SRCH Fieldnames Supported and edited
SUBSEQ Fieldnames Supported and edited
DDATA Fieldnames Supported and edited
NULLVAL All values Supported and edited
EXTRTN *NAME See the chapter For the Database Administrator (DBA) for details on sparse routines
EXTRNCBL *NAME This keyword can be used to indicate the name of a COBOL program for sparse indexing. See the chapter For the Database Administrator (DBA) for details.
Others   Any keyword not listed produces a warning message


There are two areas, language control and statements.

8.4.1 PSBGEN Language Control - COPY

Any number of COPY statements can be defined. Nested COPY statements are not supported by PSBGEN. COPY statements are edited. ++INCLUDE and -INC statements are supported as if the ++INCLUDE or -INC statement was a COPY statement. The extensions provided by these two library management statements are not supported.

8.4.2 PSBGEN Statements

The following sections describe the PSBGEN statements:


This statement is ignored. PCB

A maximum of 500 PCBs can be defined in one PSB. There is no limit to the number of TP PCBs which can be defined, however, only the first 99 can be referenced by an application program. PCB TYPE=TP

Keyword Values Description
LTERM *NAME Supported but not edited
NAME *NAME Supported but not edited
MODIFY YES, NO Supported but not edited
PCBNAME *NAME Supported and edited
LIST YES, NO Supported and edited
Others   Any keyword not listed produces a warning message PCB TYPE=DB

Keyword Values Description
NAME, DBDNAME *NAME Supported and edited
PROCOPT G, I, R, D, A, P, L, O, E Supported and edited. Additional editing performed during PSBGEN Verify and when DL/I calls are made.
GS, LS Supported as G and L
KEYLEN All values Supported. Edited during PSBGEN Verify
POS S, M Supported and edited
PROCSEQ *NAME Supported. Edited during PSBGEN Verify
PCBNAME *NAME Supported and edited
LIST YES, NO Supported and edited
SB NO, COND Ignored
Others   Any keyword not listed produces a warning message. PCB TYPE=GSAM

Keyword Values GSAM PCB Description
NAME, DBDNAME *NAME Supported and edited
PROCOPT G, L Supported but not edited during PSBGEN. For more information about GSAM databases, see the sections GSAM Considerations in the chapter For the Database Administrator (DBA) and Unsupported DB Features in the chapter Product Summary.
S Ignored
PCBNAME *NAME Supported and edited
LIST YES, NO Supported and edited
Others   Any keyword not listed produces a warning message. PSB

Only one PSB can be defined in a single input data set.

Keyword Values Description
PSBNAME *NAME Supported and edited
CMPAT YES, NO Supported but not edited
LANG All values Ignored
MAXQ All values Ignored
IOASIZE All values Ignored. There is no limit to the length of an I/O area in a path call.
SSASIZE All values Ignored. Each SSA is limited to 4,000 bytes with no cumulative limit
IOEROPN All values Ignored
OLIC All values Ignored
LOCKMAX All values Ignored
Others   Any keyword not listed produces a warning message SENFLD

A maximum of 10,000 SENFLD statements can be defined for one PSB. A maximum of 255 SENFLD statements can be defined for one SENSEG.

Keyword Values Description
NAME *NAME Supported and edited
START All values Supported and edited. Must not exceed 32,760
REPL, REPLACE YES, Y, NO, N Supported and edited
Others   Any keyword not listed produces a warning message SENSEG

A maximum of 3,000 SENSEGs can be defined in one PSB when using the PSBGEN3 format for PSBGEN. The maximum is 1,000 SENSEGs when using PSBGEN2 format.

A maximum of 255 SENSEGs can be defined for one PCB.

SENSEGs must be listed in the same physical sequence as they are defined in the DBD. See the chapter For the Database Administrator (DBA) for SENSEG and SEGM support when using logical and secondary data structures.

Keyword Values Description
NAME *NAME Supported and edited
PARENT *NAME Supported and edited
PROCOPT G, I, R, D, A , K, P Supported and edited. Most editing is performed when issuing DL/I calls.
E Ignored
SSPTR All values Ignored. Causes a warning message
INDICES All values Ignored. Causes a warning message


Three sections follow concerning MFSGEN:

8.5.1 MFSGEN Language Control

The following sections describe the MFSGEN language controls:


Partially supported and edited. You can find the complete description of ALPHA statement processing in the chapter For the TM/MFS Expert. COPY

Any number of COPY statements can be defined. MFSGEN supports up to two levels of nesting for COPY statements. That is, a COPY member can contain a COPY statement whose member can also contain a COPY statement. COPY statements are edited. ++INCLUDE and -INC statements are supported as if the ++INCLUDE or -INC statement was a COPY statement. The extensions provided by these two library management statements are not supported. DO and ENDDO

The description of DO and ENDDO expansion is described in the sections MFLD and DFLD later in this chapter. EQU

The EQU statement is partially supported and edited. The complete description of EQU support is described in the chapter For the TM/MFS Expert. RESCAN

The RESCAN statement is not supported. STACK and UNSTACK

These statements are supported and edited. Multiple device types for the same MOD-name are processed differently than with IMS/ESA.

For reference, any stacks are written as data sets, not stored in memory and are named by using the stack ID, if present, with a .stk extension. The default when no stack ID is present is $mfsstak.stk. A maximum of 32 unique stack IDs are supported. These files are created in the Project's Listing folder.

These files are deleted according to the UNSTACK statement. If the last UNSTACK statement keeps the stack, these files remain on disk. The use of KEEP and DELETE is fully supported.

8.5.2 MID and MOD Statements

The following sections describe the MID and MOD statements for MFSGEN:


Keyword Values Description
COUNT iterations Supported and edited
SUF starting suffix Supported but not edited. No adjustment is made for COUNT and SUF combinations which exceed a two digit value of 99. The expanded MFLD statements do not appear in the MFSGEN listing file. ENDDO

Supported and edited. LPAGE

There is a limit of 16,386 LPAGE statements which can be defined in a single message. LPAGE for MSG TYPE=INPUT

Keyword Values Description
SOR DPAGE-name list Supported and edited
NXT MOD-name Supported and edited LPAGE for MSG TYPE=OUTPUT

Keyword Values Description
SOR DPAGE-name Supported and edited
NXT MID-name Supported and edited
COND MFLD-name Supported and edited
MFLD-name(n) Supported and edited
SEG offset Supported but not edited
Relational operator Supported and edited
Compare value Supported. Length is limited to 42 bytes
PROMPT All values Ignored MFLD

There is a limit of 500 MFLDs which can be defined for a single input or output message. Only MFLDs which specify a DFLD-name are counted toward the limit of 500. That is, MFLD literals and MFLDs with only a LTH keyword are not counted. If the message contains LPAGE definitions, the limit is 500 MFLDs for each logical page. The limit of 500 is after any DO statement expansion. MFLD for MSG TYPE=INPUT

Keyword Values MID MFLD Description
1st operand DFLD-name Supported and edited
literal value Supported and edited. A maximum of 4,000 bytes of literal data is allowed for each input message. If the input message contains logical pages, the limit applies to each logical page.
(DFLD-name, literal)


Supported and edited. A maximum of 6,000 bytes of default MID literal data is allowed for each input message. If the input message contains logical pages, the limit applies to each logical page.

If two MFLDs name the same DFLD and one MFLD specifies a default literal but the other does not, the default literal is returned to both MFLDs when no input data is received for the field.

Literals and default literals cannot exceed 92 bytes in length. All literals are truncated to the LTH value or are padded to the LTH value with the FILL character.

PF key field Supported but not edited. The maximum length of a PF key MFLD is 50 bytes. Cannot appear more than twice in the same input message.
Cursor field Supported but not edited. Can only appear once in the same input message.
LTH value Supported and edited
(pp, nn) Partially supported and edited. A pp value other than one produces a warning message and one is assumed.
JUST L Supported and edited
R Supported and edited if the length of the MFLD not including attribute bytes is equal to or less than the DFLD length. If the MFLD length is greater than the DFLD length, justification occurs but a FILL character of zero is assumed.
ATTR YES, NO Supported and edited
number of extended attribute bytes Supported and edited. A maximum value of five is supported.
FILL NULL Supported and edited with restrictions. See the chapter For theTM/MFS Expert for details.
All other values Supported and edited. The FILL value for an MFLD which names a DFLD not present in the DPAGE is assumed to be spaces.
EXIT number, vector Supported and edited. See the chapter For the TM/MFS Expert for details. Ignored if specified for an MFLD which names a DFLD not defined in the DPAGE. MFLD for MSG TYPE=OUTPUT

Keyword Values Description
1st operand DFLD-name Supported but not edited
(DFLD-name, literal) Supported but not edited. Literal values are truncated if longer than the LTH and padded if shorter than LTH. The FILL character is used to pad short literals. A maximum of 7,000 bytes of MOD literal data is allowed in one output message. If the message contains logical pages, the limit applies to each logical page.
(DFLD-name, SYS-LIT) Supported and edited. All system literals are supported. LTSEQ and LPAGENO always contain a value of one. LTMSG is always spaces.
(, SCA) Supported but not edited. Only the bit settings for 3270 Force Format Write and Erase Unprotected Fields are supported. If neither is set, nothing is erased. Other bit settings are ignored.
LTH value Supported and edited. A maximum length of 4095 is supported. The length is not checked to see if it exceeds the device capacity.
JUST L Supported and edited
R Output MFLDs longer than the DFLD length have the right-most bytes of the MFLD displayed in the DFLD
ATTR YES, NO Supported and edited
number of extended attribute bytes Supported and edited. A maximum value of five is allowed but only color and highlighting can be changed dynamically. MSG

There is a limit of 16,386 output messages which can be defined in a single input data set. The input message definition must be present in the same input data set as its corresponding output definition. MSG TYPE=INPUT

Keyword Values Description
SOR FMT-name Supported and edited
IGNORE Ignored
OPT 1 Supported
2 Supported as option 1
3 Not supported
NXT MOD-name Supported and edited MSG TYPE=OUTPUT

Keyword Values Description
SOR FMT-name Supported and edited
IGNORE Ignored
OPT 1 Supported
2 Supported as option 1
3 Not supported
NXT MID-name Supported and edited
PAGE YES, NO Not supported but edited. Always processed as YES.
FILL All values The FILL value is processed for /FOR commands and to fill short fields on an output message. Fields not provided in an output message are always filled with X'3F'. Value takes affect only if DPAGE specifies FILL=NONE. PASSWORD

The PASSWORD statement is not supported. However, any MFLDs defined after the PASSWORD and before the first SEG are logically removed from the input message. The mapping between the program and the input message is maintained. SEG

There is a limit of 100 SEG statements which can be defined in any one input or output message. For MSG TYPE=INPUT

Keyword Values Description
EXIT All values Supported and edited. See the chapter For the TM/MFS Expert for details.
GRAPHIC YES, NO Supported differently than IMS/ESA. See the chapter For the TM/MFS Expert for details. For MSG TYPE=OUTPUT

Keyword Values Description

Supported and edited.

8.5.3 Device Definition

The following sections describe the statements for controlling MFSGEN device definition:


Only 3270 display, 3270 printers and SCS1 printer devices are supported.

Keyword Values Description
TYPE 3270P A 3270 printer
SCS1 An SCS1 printer. SCS1 printers are processed the same as 3270 printers.
3270,1 3270-A5 A 3270 model 1. This is processed the same as a model 2
3270,2 3270-A2 A 3270 model 2 24x80 screen
3270-A3 A 3270 model 3 32x80 screen
3270-A4 A 3270 model 4 43x80 screen
3270-A7 A 3270 model 5 27x132 screen
Other values processed as a 3270 model 2 DEV for 3270 Display

Keyword Values Description
FEAT All values Ignored
PEN All values Ignored
CARD All values Ignored
SYSMSG All values Ignored
DSCA x'00' and x'80' through x'F0' Supported but not edited. Only the bit settings for 3270 Force Format Write and Erase Unprotected Fields are supported. If neither is set, nothing is erased. Bit settings for other hardware control, such as Sound Beep, are ignored.
SUB All values Ignored
PFK *NAME Supported and edited
integer= or positional literal Both the positional and keyword syntax is supported for PF key value assignment
NEXTPP, NEXTMSG, NEXTMSGP, NEXTLP Ignored. These values are processed as Enter which is equivalent to NEXTPP in IMS Option.
ENDMPPI Supported for physical paging
PDB All values Ignored DEV for 3270 Printer

Keyword Values Description
FEAT 120, 126, 132 Sets the page width if WIDTH is not specified
All others Ignored
WIDTH All values Supported and edited. Width is limited to 133.
PAGE line count Supported but not edited
DEFN SPACE FLOAT Page length control always processed as DEFN
DSCA All values Ignored DIV

Keyword Values Description
TYPE INOUT, OUTPUT Supported but not edited DPAGE

There is a limit of 16,386 DPAGE statements which can be defined for any one FMT definition. For 3270 Display

Keyword Values Description
CURSOR Row, Column, Fieldname Supported but not edited. The cursor fieldname is optional but can be referenced in the MID or MOD. With physical paging, only the first 10 physical pages adhere to this default cursor position
FILL All values The FILL value is processed for /FOR command and is used to fill short fields for an inserted message. Fields not provided on insert are always filled with x'3F'.
MULT YES Ignored. All physical pages must be displayed before MID formatting.
PD All values Ignored
ACTVPID All values Ignored For 3270 Printer

Keyword Values Description
FILL All values Ignored. Always filled with spaces DO

Keyword Values Description
1st operand Count Supported and edited
2nd operand Line increment Supported and edited
3rd operand MAX or column increment Supported and edited
SUF All values Supported but not edited. No adjustment is made for Count and Suffix combinations which exceed a two digit value of 99. Expanded DFLD statements are not included in the MFSGEN listing file.
BOUND FIELD Supported but not edited
LINE LINE is always processed as FIELD. This generally provides proper expansion as the first DFLD in a line is often the one which exceeds the column limit causing the entire line to be put on the next line as with FIELD. DFLD

There is a limit of 500 labelled DFLDs which can be defined for a single device page (DPAGE). If physical paging is used, the limit of 500 applies to each physical page. A labelled DFLD which is not referenced by an MFLD in the MID or MOD does not count toward this limit. The DFLD limit is after any DO statement iterations.

There is a cumulative limit of 19,996 bytes for a pool area to store MID literals, MID default literals, MOD literals, DFLD literals and PF key data. If this limit is exceeded, MFSGEN error message MFSUT0L17 is issued. The lengths are cumulative and are the lengths of the literals plus six bytes of overhead for each literal. Some of the 19,996 bytes is used for labelled DFLD data so the actual maximum size is somewhat less. DFLD for 3270 Display

Keyword Values 3270 Display DFLD Description
1st operand PASSWORD DFLD containing PASSWORD is ignored
literal Supported and edited. Length cannot exceed 133 bytes. The limit of EGCS DFLD literals (DBCS "G" literals) is 80 bytes.
POS row, column, ppage Supported and edited. A maximum of 12 physical pages can be defined.
LTH value Supported and edited. Cannot exceed 4094 bytes. The length is not checked to see if it exceeds the device capacity
PEN All values Ignored
NUM Not supported. Processed as ALPHA
OPCTL Table-name Partially supported. See the IF and TABLE statements in this section.
EATTR Highlight
Color Supported and edited
Input validation Ignored
Programmed symbol sets Ignored
Outlining Keisen outlining supported with Japanese version of IMS Option only
EGCS Supported with Japanese version of IMS Option only.
MIX, MIXD Ignored. Mixed EGCS entry is always enabled with Japanese version of IMS Option unless EGCS is specified. DFLD for 3270 Printer

Keyword Values Description
1st operand literal Supported and edited. Must not exceed 96 bytes if the LTH keyword is omitted. If LTH is specified, the limit is 87 bytes.
POS Row, column Supported and edited
ppage Not supported for printers
LTH value Supported and edited. The combination of row, column and length cannot cause a field to exceed the page width
ATTR YES, NO Ignored
EATTR All values Ignored ENDDO

Supported and edited. FMT

There is no limit to the number of formats which can be defined in any one input data set. However, only those formats which are referenced by a MOD are processed. FMTEND

Supported and edited. TABLE and IF

Only one TABLE can be defined in a single input data set. Table processing is disabled if more than one TABLE is present. Only one IF statement is allowed within a TABLE. If more than one IF is present for a TABLE, the table is ignored. The only format allowed for the IF statement is:


This statement generates an ENDMPPI command when the associated DFLD contains a non-blank value.

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