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Chapter 11: The Worksheet

This chapter explains the SmartFind Plus worksheet and how you use it to manage your Year 2000 work.

11.1 Introduction to the Worksheet

The worksheet is the central focus for Year 2000 work. You collect the points of interest (POIs) into the worksheet, and from here choose what to verify or fix. The worksheet keeps track of POIs: what has been verified or fixed; and the decisions made.

To view the worksheet, click Open Worksheet on the Year 2000 menu. The worksheet lists the POIs of the project and a range of information on each one. Figure 11-1 shows an example worksheet.


Figure 11-1: Worksheet

The worksheet can hold information on the following elements of a project:

Information on the group worksheet is available in the Group Working Chapter.

11.2 Worksheet Tasks

The first step is to populate the worksheet with the potentially date-related candidates. The tasks performed in the worksheet include:

If you are performing a remediation process, and when you have completed refining the worksheet, it should contain all the date data items with their year types correctly assigned, and all the POIs with their fixes correctly specified.

If you performing a verification process, and when you have completed refining the worksheet, the POIs in the worksheet should all be marked with categories appropriate for the project reports."

11.3 Tracking Progress Using the Worksheet

The worksheet records the current status of the project, and you can review the whole project or parts of it. For example, you can check the status of each fix and produce a range of reports on the information collected so far, any verification categories or any proposed fixes.

All decisions or changes you make are recorded in the worksheet. To view these records, right click a POI in the worksheet and select Properties. There are two panes:

History Note changes, including time, date, user ID and short description of change (for example Changed year type from YY9 to YYX). The current note is displayed in the worksheet.
Audit trail What tools have been used on the selected point of interest. The information includes the tool ID and the tool settings used.

You can also export the information in the worksheet in various forms of reports. See the Reporting on the Worksheet chapter.

11.4 Manipulating and Navigating the Worksheet

There are a number of methods for moving around the worksheet and for finding worksheet POIs quickly and easily:

To achieve this:
Do this:
Sort the entries in order Click a column heading to sort the entries according that column's attribute
Widen a column Drag the divider between the column heading and the next
Filter the worksheet, to show only the required entries Click sshort descr Display Filters and specify the entries you want using the wildcard * as necessary.
Assign a year type Double click a data item and select the year type
Assign a category to a statement Double click a statement and select a category type
Review a fix for a statement Double click the statement
Display fix numbers Click Options, Worksheet tab and check Prefix fix number in source
Display the source code Select a data item or statement and click sshort descr View Source Code. You can also press F9 to show the source view in a separate window.
Show only statements for data items Select the data items and press F3
Show only data items for statements Select the statements and press F3
Check that data items and statements correspond Click sshort descr Reports and select Consistency checks and then one of the options.
Select multiple entries Click one point of interest, hold down Shift and click another to select a whole range of POIs.
Click one point of interest, hold down Ctrl and click another other to select a non-sequential series of POIs .
Show all columns in full Press Ctrl + F2.
Sort POIs in ascending order Right-click on column headings and select Sort Ascending
Sort POIs in descending order Right-click on column headings and select Sort Descending
Customize column order and visibility Right-click on column headings and select Customize columns

If you are verifying an application, then the colors in the worksheet are not significant. If you are fixing an application, then the different colors for each entry differentiate the fix state of each POIs.

For example, the colors in the worksheet include:

Red The point of interest does not have a fix. For example:
  • This data item does not have a year type assigned

  • This statement does not have any fix generated
Green The point of interest is ready for its fix to be applied. For example:
  • A year type is assigned to this data item

  • This auto generated fix for this statement has been examined, edited as necessary and approved
Blue The statement has a fix has automatically generated
Yellow The statement has some other fix status. For example, the fix for this statement has Commented status.

11.5 Selecting and Assigning Year Types

You can select the year type to assign to data items or you can assign year types automatically according to predefined assignment rules. Select the POI or range of POIs within the data item tab of the worksheet and:"

Use Select Year Type to select a year type to assign to the selected data items. For details on how to assign year types, see the help, by looking up "Year type" in the index.

Use Assign Year Type to assign year types according to the year type assignment rules. These rules define the data item attributes that probably correspond to each year type. For example, data items with "year" in the name and defined as PIC 99 probably correspond to the year type for two-digit numeric years, YY9. If you have changed the year type for any selected item manually, then SmartFind Plus assumes that this is an accurate assignment and will not change that year type to conform with the assignment rules.

11.6 Allocating Categories

The task requires allocating a category to each POI. You can use this method to indicate, for example, whether the entry definitely requires investigation or is not of interest, why the change is required or to document the type of work needed.

You can assign categories by selecting the worksheet POI and clicking Select Category.

A POI can have as many categories as you wish. When you sort the worksheet by category and a point of interest has several categories, the entry is sorted on the first category.

There is a default categories file, default.fct, which you can use. Alternatively, as administrator you can specify your own. If you decide to do this, we recommend spending a little time to develop a system of categorization and get it right, because it can save a great deal of investigative effort later on in the project.

Note: Only the administrator can create new categories, amend or delete existing ones, although all users can allocate categories to worksheet entries. See category in the Help index for how to do this.

11.7 Worksheet and Changes to Source and Database

A worksheet, group or local, is completely tied to a particular version of an application. If the application source files are modified the worksheet becomes out of step. The worksheet applies only to the original source files not to the fixed source files. SmartFind Plus recognizes this and warns the user.

Do not edit or otherwise change the version of source files within a project after you have created a worksheet. If you do, then you will probably need to discard the original worksheet, create a new one and repopulate and analyze it again.

This means you should not edit the source files of an application after creating a worksheet for it, and you cannot use the worksheet for the original application after fixes have been applied.

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