33.2.3 Microsoft Office Documents Do Not Open When SharePoint Is Accelerated by Access Gateway Appliance

You can access and view the files on the SharePoint server after authenticating at Identity Server. However, when you open Microsoft Office documents from a browser to modify, you get an HTTP 409 error even after you add the NAGGlobalOptions AllowMSWebDavMiniRedir option.

The workaround is to add the 'Content-Disposition' header in response to the WebDAV queries.

  1. Modify the httpd.conf file.

    For information about how to modify a file, see Modifying Configurations.

  2. Add the following line:

    LoadModule headers_module /libexec/mod_headers.so

  3. Add the following entries:

    <LocationMatch ".*\.doc$">
      Header set Content-Disposition attachment
    <LocationMatch ".*\.docx$">
      Header set Content-Disposition attachment
    <LocationMatch ".*\.xls$">
      Header set Content-Disposition attachment
    <LocationMatch ".*\.xlsx$">
      Header set Content-Disposition attachment
    <LocationMatch ".*\.ppt$">
      Header set Content-Disposition attachment
    <LocationMatch ".*\.pptx$">
      Header set Content-Disposition attachment