Persistence Auth Class Properties

You can set the following properties in the class properties tab:

  • CryptoKey: This key is used to encrypt the user's information in the cookie. If this value is long and random, the user information will be secure. The value must be at least ten characters. The certificate private key will be used if you do not set this value. The certificate private key will be used if you do not set this value. If you change or update the certificate, the user is re-authenticated.

  • CookieSuffix: The cookie name is derived using this suffix. PA_ is added as a prefix to the cookie name. By default, the cookie name is PA_PERSISTENT_AUTH. For example, if you configure CookieSuffix as PER_AUTH, Identity Server sends the cookie with the PA_PER_AUTH name at the browser.

  • MaxAgeSeconds: This property decides the cookie lifetime. The default value is 86400 seconds (1 day). The maximum value is 4294967295 seconds.

  • ParamName: The name of the HTTP parameter to enable this feature. The default value of the parameter is EnableCookieAuth. If you want to modify the default value of parameter name, for example to TestCookieName, perform the following steps:

    1. Open the login.jsp file.

      For information about how to open and modify a file, see Modifying Configurations.

    2. Search for the EnableCookieAuth parameter name and specify the new name as TestCookieName.

    3. Select Remember Me.

      Identity Server uses this value to identify if a user has selected Remember Me on the login page.