
1108035 - AccuRev Plug-In for Atlassian Crucible experienced performance issues when creating reviews

When creating reviews, AccuRev Plug-In for Atlassian Crucible created temporary files in the local drive of the system in which it was installed. This action impacted the performance of the plug-in. This issue has been resolved and the unnecessary temporary files are no longer generated.

1109901 - When trying to add content to a review, an error message would display

AccuRev Plug-In for Atlassian Crucible displayed an error No revision was added or removed, when adding content to a review. This issue has been fixed.

1109969 - (46619) No way to track defuncted files in Crucible if the file is defuncted using AccuRev GUI

A defuncted file is now displayed in red when accessed through the Atlassian Crucible GUI when adding to an existing or new review.

1108486 - (45133) AccuRev Plug-In for Atlassian Crucible displayed error messages when attempting to revise reviews created from different workspaces

A review created in a specific workspace could be revised from the same workspace only. Trying to revise it from other workspaces resulted in error messages. This issue has been fixed in the current release.

47586 - AccuRev Plug-In for Atlassian Crucible did not support Atlassian Crucible versions 4.3 and 4.4

Both versions are supported in the current release.