Version 2014.1

31906 - Atlassian Crucible versions 2.7 and later are supported

The AccuRev Plug-In for Atlassian Crucible supports Atlassian Crucible versions 2.7 and later.

31909 - New: Administrators can specify AccuRev repositories for Atlassian Crucible projects

System administrators can configure the Atlassian Crucible default project to use an AccuRev repository and they can specify AccuRev repositories for new projects.

31912 - New: Atlassian Crucible users can explore AccuRev repositories to add content to a review

Atlassian Crucible users can browse through the directory structure of an AccuRev stream or workspace and select specific versions of files to add to a review.

32370 - New: Atlassian Crucible users can browse change sets to add transaction contents to a review

Atlassian Crucible users can view the most recent AccuRev repository transactions that have been added to a project to select a transaction and add all its associated files to a review.