Configuring Error Log

To configure the level of the log files:

  1. Navigate to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\<15.0_8ec0ccb7>\Extensions\<yb05aubz.rce>.
    Note: <15.0_8ec0ccb7> and <yb05aubz.rce> may vary in the above path based on the version of Visual Studio installed. The remaining path remains constant, username is the account name with which the user logs in to the system.
  2. Open the App.config file.
  3. Replace OFF in <level value=OFF> with the required value from(DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, WARN and FATAL).
    Note: Error logs are not generated if <level value> is set to "OFF".
  4. Save the App.config file.

Error logs are generated based on the value that you set.