
Required Field Mappings

AccuWork Field JIRA Field
jiraKey AccuWorkKey
jiraIssuelink AccuWorkIssueLink

Field Mappings

AccuWork Field Type JIRA Field Type Synchronization Type
summary Text summary string two-way
description Text description string two-way
assignee User assignee user two-way
reporter User reporter user two-way
priority Choose priority string two-way
jiraProject Choose project string two-way
status Choose status string two-way

Epic Feature

In JIRA, you can create Epic and IssueType fields. While creating or editing Issue Type, you can associate an Epic Link to the Issue Type. This establishes a relationship between the Epic and the Issue Type. To synchronize the same linked Epic and Issue Type from JIRA to AccuWork, you must define the tracking issue field as listed in the table below, in the basic Field Mapping page.

AccuWork Field Type JIRA Field Type Synchronization Type
trackingissue Relationship Epic Link string two-way