Open a T27 terminal session document.
The steps depend on your user interface mode.
Ribbon or InfoConnect Browser |
With a session open, from the Quick Access Toolbar, click |
TouchUX |
With a session open, tap the Gear icon |
Classic MDI |
With a session open, go to Options > Settings |
Under File Transfer, click Configure Transfer Settings.
File Transfer Type
Protocol |
T27 options are None and CANDE. |
You should be able to transfer files using CANDE without making any modifications to the default configuration. However, if your host application uses a language other than English, you will need to specify the names of certain CANDE commands that are used internally by the file transfer protocol.
Host time out |
The number of seconds (0-99) that the CANDE file transfer protocol should wait for a response from the host before canceling the file transfer. |
When file exists |
Specify the default action to use if a file with the same name as the one you are transferring already exists. The option you select here will be selected by default in the Receive File and Send File dialog box. If you select None, no default action is selected. |
Omit leading spaces |
When a line of host data begins with blank spaces, this option removes the spaces and begins the line with the first non-blank character. Blank spaces after the first non-blank character are left as they are. |
Sequence numbers |
Base |
The starting number to use for numbering lines of data (1-99999999). This number is inserted at the beginning of the first line of data before the line is transferred. The numbers inserted before the subsequent lines vary, depending on your entry in the Increment text box |
Increment |
Specifies the how much to increase each new line number (1-99999999). For example, if the Base is 100 and you enter 100 in this text box, the first line of data will be numbered 100, the second line of data will be numbered 200, and so forth. |
Length |
The number of digits in each sequence number (1-99). This tells the host how many digits to read before each line. Be sure that the number you enter here matches the number of digits in the Base. For example, if the Base is 00000100, and the Length is 4, then the host will only read the first four digits of the line number (0000). This can adversely affect how the host interprets the line numbers in the file. The following are suggested entries for the following file types: BASIC 4, CSEQ 5, RPG 5, COBOL 6. For all others: 8. |
If you are not sure what to enter for these commands, use the defaults or contact your host system administrator.
Make File |
Command |
The CANDE command to create a new file. |
Response |
The response that CANDE sends to indicate when a new file has been created and is ready to receive text. |
Options |
(Optional) Specify the type of file being created (such as ALGOL, BASIC, BINDER, C74, DATA, F77, PASCAL, SEQ). If you enter a file type, it will apply to all files uploaded to the host. |
Get File |
Command |
The CANDE command to retrieve (get) a host file and create a work file. |
Response |
The response that CANDE sends to indicate when a host file has been retrieved. |
Save File |
Command |
The CANDE command to save and remove the work file. |
Next Page |
Command |
The CANDE command that scrolls to the next page of text. |
Abort Commands |
Upload |
The CANDE command to remove the work file. |
Download |
The CANDE command to terminate a CANDE file listing (stop displaying a file). |
Responses |
Scrolling |
The response that CANDE sends tn response to the ?+s command. |
List end |
The response that CANDE sends to indicate that it has received all the data. |