14.6 Import and Export a Dashboard

As an alternative to sharing or copying a dashboard, you can export the dashboard as a json file for other users to import to their Dashboard. The json file contains information about the dashboard’s configuration and the included widgets. The file does not contain any data displayed in the dashboard. You can modify the exported json file or edit the imported dashboard.

For example, Inez Bates on the APJ analyst team really likes a dashboard that Murphy Buckley, on the EMEA team, made for his personal use. Murphy could share this dashboard with Inez. However, the widgets are configured for the AMS team’s use, so the data would not be useful for Inez. Instead, Murphy exports the dashboard and sends the json file to Inez. She imports the dashboard, then modifies some of the widgets to point to cases that she and the APJ team own.

14.6.1 Considerations for Importing a Dashboard

Changing the json file of a dashboard can cause problems either during import or within the Dashboard. Usually, you only need to change the name of the dashboard in the file. Before importing a dashboard, please review the following considerations:

  • You cannot import a dashboard whose name already exists in your Dashboard environment. Ensure that you change the title of the dashboard in the json file.

    NOTE:This caveat includes names of dashboards that other users have created and which you might not see in your list.

  • You cannot import a dashboard if it contains widgets that do not exist in your Dashboard environment.

14.6.2 Import a Dashboard

When viewing the list of Dashboards, select ... > Import Dashboard. Then browse to the appropriate json file.

14.6.3 Export a Dashboard

When viewing a Dashboard, select ... > Export Dashboard.