Using Atlas

Your Atlas administrator has installed and configured Atlas and has provided you with a URL for access.

Atlas is organized to follow a natural flow of Requirement creation to user Story breakdown. As you work through the perspectives, you are following the flow from the Requirement creation to tracking progress in your Agile tool. However, you can skip around within the perspectives and work in your own flow.

Use these steps for a basic overview of tasks to complete your planning from start to finish. Navigate through the perspective sections of the help to view additional and advanced tasks.

The suggested flow is:

  1. Navigate to Atlas in your browser and log in. Atlas opens.
  2. Capture high-level business needs and break them down.
    1. Create a Project.
    2. Define Requirement Types.
    3. Set up User Defined Attributes.
    4. Optional: upload ideas to a White boards.
    5. Create Requirements for the Project. You can create Requirements or convert Concepts into Requirements. You can also setup relationships between Whiteboards and Requirements or Requirements to Requirements.
  3. Rank Backlog of Requirements.
    1. Change item rank in list.
    2. Open Requirement in hierarchical context from the Grid view (flat list).
    3. View Requirement subsets in Grid.
    4. Order Requirements based on rank within the Grid.
  4. Create a Plan and add Requirements to the Plan.
    1. View list of Plans.
    2. Open a Plan.
    3. Review items to include in Plan.
    4. Use Plan contents and team capacity to project Plan end date.
    5. Define a Requirement Plan with start and end dates.
    6. Review hierarchical list of item to include in Plan.
  5. Add Requirement detail to top of Backlog.
    1. Understand summary delivery status from an individual Requirement.
    2. Find and existing Requirement using search.
    3. View status of related stories from within a Requirement.
  6. Send Requirement to Agile Backlog.
    1. Optional: Add additional Requirement to a previously pushed plan.
    2. Optional: Re-send an updated Requirement.
    3. Optional: Re-send an updated Plan.
  7. Track Requirement and Story progress.
    1. View Plans with high level status.
    2. View Plan delivery status and analyze progress and projection.
    3. View delivery Plan from previous date.