Creating a Database Manually

Despite the fact that Atlas Hub has automated Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express database creation, you may prefer to create your own. This makes more sense for Microsoft SQL Server because there are good tools for database creation.

It is very important that you use the directions in the following procedure.

Database names should:
  • Begin with a letter.
  • Contain letters and numbers only.
  • Not contain spaces.
  • Not be a SQL reserved word such as create, delete, if, then, else, or goto.
Important: The Server Administration database options may fail to run for databases with names that do not follow these guidelines.

To create your own Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server Express database:

  1. Install Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server Express. If you plan to use a supported version of Microsoft SQL Server, be sure to review the section Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server Databases.
  2. Install Atlas Hub.
  3. Create an Atlas Hub database. Contact your database administrator about the specifics. Be sure that:
    • The database is owned by an Atlas Hub user.
    • The default database for the Atlas Hub user is the Atlas Hub database.
    • The database will fit the expected growth patterns for storing your Atlas Hub data. See Guidelines for Data Files and Transaction Logs.
    • The name of the database follows the conventions explained earlier in this section.
    • To create or upgrade the Atlas Hub database, the Microsoft SQL Server instance must have one of the following collations:
      • Latin1_General_CI_AI
      • SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

      On a Japanese double-byte operating system, where the default collation for the Microsoft SQL Server installation is not supported by Atlas Hub , you must use a named instance with one of the supported collations.

      Note: Microsoft SQL Server's multi-instance feature supports the use of multiple instances in different locales on the same database server.
  4. Create and start an Atlas Hub configuration. See Creating a Server Configuration (for an Existing Database).