Adding Projects to a Connection

The last step of defining a connection is to map the projects from your Target to the projects in the Master.
  1. If you are in the process of creating a connection, navigate to the Projects tab in the Create Connection Wizard. If you are editing an existing connection, on the dashboard, click Options button (GUID-EB85987B-3C24-4206-9B32-A78583864975-low.png) and choose Edit from the menu. Navigate to the Projects tab of the Update Connection window.
  2. Click the Add button. A new row is added to the list.
  3. Select the project you want to map from the Target list.
    Tip: Micro Focus Connect uses the data source product name for the <system name> displayed in the UI.
  4. Select the corresponding Master project from the Master Project list.
  5. Project synchronizations are enabled by default. If you wish to disable it, clear the check box.
  6. Some data sources for SCM tools (like Git and Subversion) allow you to specify a deeper directory level synchronization. If it's available and you want to specify a directory deeper than the root directory for synchronization, click the directory button (GUID-9E323EEF-FAED-47E4-9A82-C8AE133928D6-low.png) . The Set Project Path dialog box opens. For each data source, enter the path in the fields provided.

    Click the OK button to close the Set Project Path dialog box.

  7. Once you have added all projects you want to synchronize, click the Save button to save your changes.