Creating a Custom Details Template

This section contains a sample of the details template that you can make for any item type viewed from the StarTeam Web Client. This example is for Change Requests.
  1. Create the file changerequest.details.html in the installation folder in \apache-tomcat-[version]\shared\MicroFocusStarTeam\.
  2. Edit the file in a text editor.
  3. Type the following code content:
     <td align=left valign=top><b>CR ~~ChangeNumber~~ (~~DotNotation~~): ~~Synopsis~~</b></td>
    <table border=1>
      <td width=200 align=center><b>Timestamps</b></td>
      <td width=200 align=center><b>Entered</b></td>   
      <td width=200 align=center><b>Resolved</b></td> 
      <td width=200 align=center><b>LastModified</b></td> 
      <td width=200 align=center><b>Closed</b></td> 
      <td width=200 align=center><b>Verified</b></td> 
      <td width=200 align=right><b>By:</b></td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~EnteredBy~~</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~AddressedBy~~</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~ModifiedUserID~~</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>&nbsp;</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>&nbsp;</td>
      <td width=200 align=right><b>Time:</b></td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~CreatedTime~~</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~ResolvedOn~~</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~ModifiedTime~~</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~ClosedOn~~</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~VerifiedOn~~</td>
  4. Save the custom details template file.
  5. Restart StarTeam Web Server.
  6. View the items table for Change Requests.
  7. Expand the details of the Change Request to view the custom details.