Additional Customization

The Server list and personal option files may be included with silent installations.

These files are located in the local settings of the currently logged on user (for example, C:\Users\User_ID\AppData\Roaming\Borland\StarTeam). Once these files contain the desired values (use a StarTeam Cross-Platform Client to add the servers and set the personal options), copy these files to the same location as the file. Rename these files as shown in the following table.

Original File Name Description Installation File Name
starteam-servers.xml StarTeam Servers at a site. server
starteam-client-options.xml StarTeam personal options. starteam-client-default-options.xml

The starteam-client-options.xml file will be copied to the User local home settings (for example, C:\Users\User_ID\AppData\Roaming\Borland\StarTeam). If the starteam-client-default-options.xml file is included, the installation will overwrite this file if it already exists. This file will be used as a template for future new instances of the starteam-client-options.xml file in the user specific local settings. Existing instances of starteam-client-options.xml will not be overwritten.

The server.xml file will be copied to the installation user’s local settings if the starteamservers.xml does not already exist. The starteam-server.xml file will not be overwritten. This will only affect the server settings of the user who was currently logged on to the computer when the installation occurred.