Extensions Installation Strategies

Files from StarTeam Extensions need to be installed and then checked in to the StarFlow Extensions project in each server configuration that uses alternate property editors (APEs) and workflows. If the StarTeam Server configuration does not already have a StarFlow Extensions project, you need to add one and all users need to have read access to the files in it. Administrators can have read/write access.

The default installation folder is C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\StarFlow Extensions, but we recommend copying the runtime files to a different folder for each server configuration. For example, you might use C:\config_name\StarFlow Extensions. In this way, you can ensure that each configuration’s StarFlow Extensions project has different working folders.

Even if you currently run only one server configuration, it is wise to plan ahead. This also ensures that, when you upgrade or reinstall for some other reason, you are unlikely to overwrite any StarTeam Extensions files that you are using.

Note: If you are using the default installation folder for any server configuration’s StarFlow Extensions project, we recommend that you check in everything you need that is not current prior to reinstalling or upgrading StarTeam Extensions files.