Installing an MPX Cache Agent on Linux

  1. Close all applications.
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the downloaded files.
  3. Run the downloaded installer.
  4. Run the binary file using the command ./ca.bin. When installing or uninstalling on a non-Microsoft Windows platform, specify the installed Java VM to use as a parameter when running the installer. This step is necessary because Java VMs for non-Microsoft Windows operating systems are not bundled with the installers. If you experience any difficulties when running the command ./ca.bin, add the parameter LAX_VM and specify the path to your VM. For example: ./ca.bin LAX_VM /usr/java/latest/jre/bin/java.
  5. On the Introduction page, read the information, and click Next.
  6. On the License Agreement page, read the agreement. If you agree with the license agreement, click I accept.... If you do not accept the license agreement, you cannot install the product.
  7. On the Choose Install Folder page, browse for the location to be used as the installation folder.
    The default location is /home/starteam/cacheagent14.0.
  8. Click Next.
  9. On the Choose Cache Agent Type page, select the MPX Cache Agent type you wish to install and click Next:
    Root MPX Cache Agent

    Each StarTeam configuration can have one Root MPX Cache Agent. You can install it on the same machine as StarTeam Server or on a separate machine that has access to the configuration's vault cache folder.

    Use the Get Root Cache Agent Settings dialog box to perform the following:

    1. Specify the address of the Message Broker to be used.
    2. Browse to or type the path to the repository of the StarTeam Server configuration.
    3. Click Next.
    Remote MPX Cache Agent

    You can install any number of Remote MPX Cache Agent throughout your organization. Typically, one Remote MPX Cache Agent must be installed in each geographic region. Each Remote MPX Cache Agent is usually chained or tiered to one or more Root MPX Cache Agent.

    Use the Get Remote Cache Agent Settings dialog box to perform the following:

    1. Specify the address of the Message Broker to be used.
    2. Specify the StarTeam Server configuration GUID.
    3. Click Next.
  10. On the Choose Link Folder page, specify whether to create links in your home folder, to create them in another location, or to not create them at all.
  11. Click Next.
  12. On the Pre-installation Summary page, review the settings and click Previous one or more times if you want to change the installation options. Then return to the Pre-installation Summary page, and click Next or Install.
  13. On the Install Complete page, click Done.
    In order to start the MPX Cache Agent, set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the lib folder of the Oracle home directory.