Generating Transmitter XML Files

When the transmitters are installed as part of a StarTeam Server installation, the transmitter template files (ActiveMQEventTransmitterTemplate.xml, StarTeam MPXEventTransmitterTemplate.xml and MPXFileTransmitterTemplate.xml ) are installed in the EventServices folder, a subfolder of the server's installation folder. The two Event Transmitter templates are configured to use an ActiveMQ MPX Message Broker and StarTeamMPX Message Broker respectively.

When creating a new configuration, you can select which template will be used by selecting the type of message broker.

When existing configurations are in place at the time of the installation, a configuration-specific set of transmitter XML files is created automatically for each existing configuration. The configuration-specific XML files (MPXEventTransmitter.xml and MPXFileTransmitter.xml) are created by copying the XML template files to a configuration-specific subfolder of the EventServices folder.

When a new configuration is defined, a set of configuration-specific XML files may be generated automatically depending on how the configuration is created:

  • If you create a new configuration by using the Server Administration tool, a configuration-specific MPXEventTransmitter.xml and FileTransmitter.xml will be created automatically. The utility does this by copying the current XML template files to the appropriate configuration-specific subfolder of the EventServices folder and removing Template from their names.
  • If you create a new configuration by using the StarTeam Server’s command-line interface, no configuration-specific XML files are created. If you want the new configuration to be MPX-enabled, you need to create the configuration-specific subfolder of the EventServices folder. The configuration subfolder’s name must be the same as the configuration name. Then manually copy the XML template files to the appropriate configuration-specific subfolder of the EventServices folder and remove Template from their names.

To edit the new XML files, see the section “Understanding Connection Profiles” in the appropriate MPX Administrator’s Guide for more information on configuration-specific and XML template files.