Installing Extensions

To install Extensions on Linux or systems that support Java, extract Extensions-14.0-LINUX.tar.gz or Extensions-14.0-UNIUX.tar.gz.

To install Extensions on Microsoft Windows:

  1. Run the downloaded installer.
  2. On the Introduction page, read the information, and click Next.
  3. On the License Agreement page, read the agreement. If you agree with the license agreement, click I accept.... If you do not accept the license agreement, you cannot install the product.
  4. On the Choose Install Folder page, browse for the location to be used as the installation folder.
    The default Installation location is C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\StarFlow Extensions.
  5. Click Next.
  6. On the Choose Install Set page, choose your preferred options:
    Installs the files that are critical to each server configuration that uses workflow, APE forms, and/or custom tools. The Runtime should be installed on the same computer as the StarTeam Server. The Runtime consists of the StarFlow Extensions folder and two subfolders:
    • The Client folder contains the files that are normally installed with one or more of the clients as well as with StarTeam Extensions. If a user is having problems with an APE, give that user the latest files from the Client folder in the StarFlow Extensions project. It may solve the problem. starteam-extensions.jar provides the Locator functionality (the retrieving of workflow and APE files) in conjunction with Locator.exe. The starteamextensions.jar file is installed with both the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client and the Microsoft Visual Studio integration. The Locator files are installed only with the Microsoft Visual Studio integration.
    • The Projects folder contains a variety of .jar, .xml, and .dll files used by StarTeam Extensions.

    Although the Runtime includes a custom toolbar that can be used with the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client, if you will be writing applications for the toolbar or adding buttons to the toolbar, you should seek assistance from Micro Focus Technical Support.


    The Samples can be installed on any computer for your convenience. You do not need to copy these to each server configuration’s StarFlow Extensions folder, nor do you need to check them in.

    If you decide to use some of the sample APE forms, as they are or after some modification, you would copy the item_type.Workflow.xml, name.propertyeditor.xml, and name.jar files to a server configuration’s StarFlow Extensions\Projects folder or an appropriate subfolder of the Projects folder. Then you would check these files in to the StarFlow Extensions project. item_type is a type of StarTeam item such as ChangeRequest or Requirement.

    If you decide to use some of the sample tools, as they are or after some modification, you must also copy the name.tool.xml and the name.jar files to the Projects folder. See the Workflow Extensions Guide for more information.

    API Documentation
    Adds the Documentation subfolder to the installation folder. The Documentation can be installed on any computer for your convenience. You do not need to copy this folder to each server configuration’s StarFlow Extensions folder, nor do you need to check its files in. These online documents (.html files) explain the APIs for the APEs and the custom toolbar.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Choose Shortcut Folder page, use the default settings.
    Keep the Other option button set to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Micro Focus\StarTeam Extensions.
  9. Click Next.
  10. On the Pre-installation Summary page, review the settings and click Previous one or more times if you want to change the installation options. Then return to the Pre-installation Summary page, and click Next or Install.
  11. On the Install Complete page, click Done.
    After installing Extensions Runtime:
    • Copy the StarFlow Extensions folder and its subfolders (Client, Projects, and Utilities) to a unique location for each server configuration.
    • Use the StarFlow Extensions folder (in its new location) as the root folder for the StarFlow Extensions project that you create for each server configuration.
    • Add the files in these folders to the StarFlow Extensions project, except for PDFs and readmes.

    If you are already using StarTeam Extensions, check in these files as new revisions of existing files and add any new files.