Configuring PostgreSQL Databases

The following information will help you use the PostgreSQL database with StarTeam Server:

When connecting to a PostgreSQL database server on Microsoft Windows, the Microsoft Windows path should include the path to the PostgreSQL bin directory. If the path to the PostgreSQL libraries is not set correctly, a message similar to the following one will appear:

Libpq.dll: The specified module could not be found. 
pq.dll: The specified module could not be found.
DBMS API Library loading fails. This library is a part of DBMS client installation, not SQLAPI++.
Make sure DBMS client is installed and this required library is available for dynamic loading.

When connecting to a PostgreSQL database server on Microsoft Windows, the Microsoft Windows system path should include the path to the PostgreSQL bin directory. For example, for a default installation, add this to the System PATH variable: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin.

Important: When a new database is created, all the default PostgreSQL settings (for example, file location and size) are used except for server encoding. This setting must be UTF-8.