Upgrading Server Configurations

After you install StarTeam Server, every existing server configuration must be upgraded.
  1. Open the Server Administration tool by clicking Start > Programs > Micro Focus > StarTeam Server <version> > StarTeam Server
  2. Select the server configuration to be upgraded. Even if the status for the server configuration indicates Ready, the server configuration will not start successfully until you run the upgrade procedure.
  3. Click the Upgrade Database toolbar button. A series of dialog boxes may open and close. At the completion of the process, a message indicates a successful upgrade operation. If an error occurs, a message displays the error information. The upgrade process creates a log file named DBUpgrade.locale.log in the server configuration's repository folder. For example, if the locale is the United States, the name of the file is DBUpgrade.en-US.log.
    Note: The upgrade process requires one database connection to run. If the upgrade process is unable to acquire a connection, it will fail.

    Check the database connection information on the StarTeam Server computer. From the computer on which the server is installed:

    1. Open the Server Administration tool.
    2. Select the server configuration.
    3. Click Server > Configuration Properties.
    4. From the Properties dialog box, select the Database Connections tab.
    5. Click Verify.

      Ensure that the database is running.