Gets information about the Active Directory user account specified by the Identifier parameter.
Get-DRAUser -Domain <String> [-IncludeAllVAProperties <SwitchParameter>] [-Attributes <String[]>] [-PowersForOperations <String[]>] [-VisiblePropertiesOnly <SwitchParameter>] -Identifier <String> [-DRARestServer <String>] [-DRARestPort <Int32>] [-IgnoreCertificateErrors <SwitchParameter>] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-Timeout <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Get-DRAUser cmdlet returns the properties of the requested a user account with an on-premises Exchange mailbox or an user account with an Exchange Online mailbox (synced user account).
The requesting user must have the View All User Properties power. You can view the default list of properties or specify specific properties. The default properties of a user include: Description, DistinguishedName, DisplayName, SAMAccountName, UserPrincipalName, IsDisabled, FriendlyName, FriendlyPath, and WinNTPath.
See the examples for information on how to view specific properties.
Attribute / Description |
Parameters / Values |
Required |
Position |
Default Value |
Accept Pipeline input? |
Accept wildcard characters? |
IncludeAllVAProperties [<SwitchParameter>] A flag to indicate whether DRA should return the virtual attributes. If you specify this flag, DRA returns the virtual attributes that the user has powers to view. If you specify the Attributes parameter along with this flag, DRA returns the virtual attributes along with the properties specified in the Attributes parameter. |
false |
named |
false |
false |
Attributes [<String[]>] An array of attributes to retrieve values for. If this parameter is missing, a default list of properties is returned. |
false |
named |
true (ByPropertyName) |
false |
PowersForOperations [<String[]>] An array of DRA operation names for which you want the server to return read/write permission information.This parameter is typically used by a UI-based client to hide or disable elements the calling user doesn't have powers for. |
false |
named |
true (ByPropertyName) |
false |
VisiblePropertiesOnly [<SwitchParameter>] A flag to indicate whether DRA should return only properties the caller has powers to view. By default DRA will return an error if the caller requests a property that they do not have powers to view. By specifying this flag, DRA is instructed to not return an error and instead just not return a value for such properties. |
false |
named |
false |
false |
Identifier <String> The name or distinguished name of an existing Active Directory object. When the name is specified, an additional call to the DRA Server is needed to obtain the distinguished name for the object. |
true |
named |
true (ByPropertyName) |
false |
Domain <String> The domain of the object in FQDN format. For example: mydomain.corp |
true |
named |
true (ByPropertyName) |
false |
DRARestServer [<String>] The name of the computer running the DRA Rest Service. The requested DRA operation will execute on this server. If the parameter is not specified, the value defaults to 'localhost'. |
false |
named |
true (ByPropertyName) |
false |
DRARestPort [<Int32>] The port where the DRA REST Service listens for requests. If the parameter is not specified, the value defaults to 8755. |
false |
named |
8755 |
true (ByPropertyName) |
false |
IgnoreCertificateErrors [<SwitchParameter>] Allows the request to bypass any SSL certificate errors, such as the InvalidOperation error that occurs when the REST Service is bound to a self-signed certificate. |
false |
named |
false |
false |
Force [<SwitchParameter>] Suppresses any request for user input and supplies a 'yes' response. For example: -Force with a delete request will perform the delete without presenting the confirmation request to the user. |
false |
named |
false |
false |
Timeout [<Int32>] The number of seconds to wait before the request to the DRA REST server times out. To specify an infinite timeout, you can set this parameter to -1. |
false |
named |
100 seconds |
true (ByPropertyName) |
false |
<CommonParameters> Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see About CommonParameters. |
NOTE:For more information, type "Get-Help Get-DRAUser -detailed". For technical information, type "Get-Help Get-DRAUser -full".
Example 31-23 1
PS C:\>Get-DRAUser -Domain MyDomain.corp -Identifier "CN=Alfred O365,OU=Tax,DC=MYDOM,DC=CORP" -Attributes "office365DeliverAndForward","office365ForwardingAddress","office365FullAccess","office365SendAs"
This example requests few of the Office 365 or Exchange Online mailbox properties for the synced user named Alfred O365. The Attributes parameter specifies what properties to return. When the Attributes parameter is not present, a default list of properties will be returned. For a list of Exchange Online mailbox properties that can be managed for a synced user, see Exchange Online Properties.
Example 31-24 2
PS C:\>Get-DRAUser -Domain MyDomain.corp -Identifier "CN=USER123,OU=Accounting,DC=MyDomain,DC=corp"
This example requests the properties of the user named USER123 in MyDomain.corp. The identifier contains the distinguished name for the user.
Example 31-25 3
PS C:\>Get-DRAUser -Domain MyDomain.corp -Identifier "USER123" -Attributes "Description","DisplayName", "Mail","MailNickname","DistinguishedName","FriendlyPath","FriendlyParentPath","FriendlyName","IsDisabled","SamAccountName","TrustedForDelegation","ObjectCategory"
This example requests the properties of the user named USER123 in MyDomain.corp. The Attributes parameter specifies what properties to return. When the Attributes parameter is not present, a default list of properties will be returned.
Example 31-26 4
Get-DRAUser -Domain MyDomain.corp -Identifier "USER123" -Attributes "Description","DisplayName" -IncludeAllVAProperties
This example requests the properties of the user named USER123 in the "MyDomain.corp" domain. The Attributes parameter specifies the properties to return. The IncludeAllVAProperties parameter returns all virtual attributes that the assistant administrator has powers to view.