Using the Search Assistant

The Search Assistant is integrated in the Repository pane. It searches all sources in the current workspace. The results are displayed in a tree in the browser window, either by type or by folder, depending on the tab you have selected in the Repository pane - Folders or Types. The information in the tree is grouped in three levels:
  • Project level - shows the projects that contain objects
  • Folder level - shows the relative folder structure. If there are more than one folder levels they are grouped and displayed with slashes - Folder1/Folder2/Folder3(n). The number in brackets indicates the number of search result objects in the folder.
  • Object level - shows the objects that are the result of the search.

You can customize the search options in Options > User Preferences > Search Assistant where you can choose the object types filter. You can also set the maximum time a search can take as well as the maximum number of results that are displayed in Options > Workspace Options > Search Assistant.

To use the Search Assistant:

  1. Type in a search string in the search box and click GUID-ED20CC1B-C6AC-4385-A205-5CB372EEC3E4-low.png. The search returns all workspace objects whose names match the search criteria.
  2. Drill down the tree to see the relationship types and available methods for the objects.
  3. Double-click an object in the search result tree to see its source code.
    Note: To see the source code of a declaration, double-click it or right-click and select Go To Source.
  4. Right-click the search result objects in the Browser to see the list of available context-sensitive actions for the selected objects.
    Note: Not all of the context menu options available in the Repository Browser are available in the search results tree.
    Note: Multiselect is also available for the items in the search result tree.

To reset a search or change the search criteria in the search field:

  1. Click the "x" button in the left corner of the search field.

    The search is reset and the last Browser view you used is displayed.

Enterprise Analyzer keeps a history of the searches you have done so when you start typing a search string, it lets you select from a list of search strings you have previously used that begin with the same characters as the ones you have typed.