Creating a Search Filter

You can use predefined filters to search for objects in the Repository pane or create your own filters. You cannot modify a predefined filter.
  1. Choose Edit > New Criteria. The Search dialog opens.


  2. Choose any allowed combination of the following:
    • To filter on object type, select the Entity Type check box and choose the entity type in the pane below.
    • To filter on object name, select the Object Name Like check box and enter a matching pattern for the name in the accompanying field. You can use wildcard patterns allowed in LIKE statements by Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
    • To filter on verification status, select the Where Parse Status check box and choose the status in the group box below.
    • To filter on a text string in the source, select the Scan Legacy Sources For check box, then specify the search criterion. Select the check boxes below the drop-down if you want the search to match case, skip comments, and/or match whole lines.
  3. In the Filter Name drop-down, enter the name of the search filter and click Save.
  4. To edit a search filter, select it in the Filter Name drop-down and follow the instructions for creating a filter. To delete a search filter, select it in the Filter Name drop-down and click Delete. To clear a search filter, select it in the Filter Name drop-down and click Clear.
    Note: To execute a search directly from the Search dialog, select the search filter in the Filter Name drop-down and click Find. The results are returned in the Search tab.