Using Source Synchronization to Change the Registered Source Paths

When the folder containing the registered source files has been changed or renamed, or the files have been moved to a different location, or sources were registered from a non-shared location, and the location has since been shared, you can refresh the registered source paths from the Source Synchronization window.

In these cases, a Change Registered Source Paths appears in the Source Synchronization window.

To refresh the registered source paths from the Source Synchronization window, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Source Synchronization from the Workspace menu.
  2. Select the Removed folders / subfolders tab to see the list of folders that could not be found.
    Note: Only top-level folders can be refreshed. This means that if the location of a top-level folder has been changed, you can't choose to update only one or more of its subfolders.
  3. Click Change Registered Source Paths. The Change Registered Source Paths window opens. It shows the registered source paths and lets you select the new source paths.

    You can choose whether to hide or show system paths in the list of source paths by checking and unchecking the Hide System Paths check box.

  4. Click the yellow folder icon under New Source Path.
  5. Choose the new directory of the source files and click Select Folder. The selected path and a red cross icon appear under New Source Path.
    Note: Clicking removes the selected path.
  6. Click Change. A message asking you if you are sure you want to change the registered source paths comes up.
    Note: If you click Change without selecting a new source path before that, a message that there is nothing to change will pop up.
  7. Click OK. You are notified that the paths have been refreshed.
  8. Click OK. You are notified that all files are up-to-date.
  9. Click OK. Source Synchronization closes.
Note: Alternatively, you can change the registered source paths from the Enterprise Analyzer Administration tool. For more information, see Refreshing Registered Source Paths.