When you drop a location, its directory and all of the tables, indexes, and associated files are deleted. You cannot reverse this process. Use the Drop command with care!
To drop a location, you must be connected to a different location. To change your current location, click Set Location on the Location menu.
You cannot drop a location to which you are attached. If you receive the error "X131:Attempt to drop location in use" when dropping a location, exit SQLWizard and restart the program, logging onto a different location. Then drop the other location.
To drop a location:
From the Catalog Browser dialog box, choose a location from the
Location folder and click the
Drop button.
SQLWizard displays the Drop Location dialog box.
Optionally, you can type a name in the Location Name field instead of choosing a name from the drop-down list. If you type a location name, be sure to click a different field on the window to let SQLWizard know that you are done typing.