Application Server Parameters for the Mainframe Access Data Connect Server

Parameter Description
<ASGROUP=MFAS> Signals the beginning of a Mainframe Access Data Connect application server definition. The group name must be MFAS for the Data Connect server. Specify MFAS.
ASPROC The name of the started task JCL procedure that can be used to start the Data Connect server. This procedure must be stored in a procedure library that is available to z/OS START command processing. The Mainframe Access Data Connect server JCL is distributed as member MFAS but this name may be changed to suit your installation. Specify a JCL procedure name of up to eight characters.
ASJOB The jobname prefix to be used for address spaces that are started for this group. For multiple-instance address spaces this is a prefix of 1 to 4 characters and Mainframe Access server will pad this prefix to a full 8-character jobname by appending a 4 to 7 digit sequence number. For example, ASJOB=ABC will result in jobnames ABC00001, ABC00002, etc. If you specify an asterisk (*) for this parameter the JCL procedure name is used for the jobname. This is appropriate for single-instance application server address spaces. The Mainframe Access Data Connect server is single-instance (only one will be started) and the JCL procedure name is appropriate for the jobname, also. Specify *.
ASSERVER Specifies the name of the processing module for requests sent to this application server. Specify MFARSC00.
ASMINIMUM Specifies the minimum number of address spaces that Mainframe Access server will start for a multiple-instance group during initialization. Mainframe Access Data Connect server is a single-instance server. Specify 1.
ASMAXIMUM Specifies the maximum number of address spaces that Mainframe Access server will start for a multiple-instance group. Additional address spaces beyond the minimum will be started in response to transaction load, up to the maximum allowed by this specification. Mainframe Access Data Connect server is a single-instance server. Specify 1.
ASGROUPID Specifies a numeric ID that can be used in client requests to identify this application server group. Data Connect clients do not use the ASGROUPID feature. Specify 0.
<END> Signals the end of this application server definition.