JCLPT Error Messages

Message Description
JCLPT0001E PRINT/PUNCH statement not first The first statement in the control data set must be either a PRINT or a PUNCH statement.
JCLPT0002E MEMBER INVALID - TYPORG not PO A MEMBER statement is invalid as the specified TYPORG is not PO. The default value for TYPORG is PS.
JCLPT0003E INVALID COMMAND - no MAXNAME parameter If a MEMBER statement is present in the control data set, MAXNAME must be specified either in the PRINT or in the PUNCH statement.
JCLPT0004E INVALID COMMAND - RECORD command already found When the RECORD and MEMBER statements are used, at least one MEMBER statement must precede the first RECORD statement.
JCLPT0005E MAXNAME parameter is too small The specified MAXNAME parameter is less than the total number of member names specified in subsequent MEMBER statements.
JCLPT0006E INVALID COMMAND - NO NAME parameter A NAME parameter is missing from the MEMBER statement.
JCLPT0007E MORE THAN TWO TITLE CARDS Only two TITLE statements might be included for each use of MFJPTPCH. The first TITLE statement defines the title and the second statements defines the subtitle.
JCLPT0008E Unrecognised command - [command] A command statement syntax error.
JCLPT0009E SYSIN IS EMPTY The specified SYSIN is empty.
JCLPT0010E MISSING COMMAND PRECEDING COL 71 There are no command statements in columns 1 - 71 of the control data set.
JCLPT0011E TYPORG value not found No value is specified for the TYPORG parameter.
JCLPT0012E TYPORG value is not PO or PS - [value] The value of TYPORG must be either PS or PO.
JCLPT0013E TOTCONV value not found No value is specified for the TOTCONV parameter.
JCLPT0014E TOTCONV value is not XE or PZ - [value] The value of TOTCONV must be either XE or PZ.
JCLPT0015E Option only valid for PRINT - [command] The specified control statement can only be coded with the PRINT statement.
JCLPT0016W Option is not supported (ignored) - parameter The specified parameter is not currently supported and is ignored.
JCLPT0017E Unrecognised keyword - [parameter] The specified parameter for PRINT or PUNCH is not valid.
JCLPT0018E parameter value not found No value is specified for this parameter.
JCLPT0019E parameter value is not numeric The value of the specified parameter should be numeric.
JCLPT0020E Allocation failure for [parameter] Memory allocation failed for the specified parameter.
JCLPT0021E No RECORD command parameters found No parameters are specified for the RECORD statement.
JCLPT0022E FIELD specification not found No parameter value is specified for the RECORD FIELD statement.
JCLPT0023E MAXFLDS parameter is too small The specified MAXFLDS parameter is less than the total number of FIELD parameters specified in subsequent RECORD statements.
JCLPT0024E FIELD length value not found No length is specified in the RECORD FIELD statement.
JCLPT0025E FIELD length value is not numeric - [length] The value of the FIELD length must be numeric.
JCLPT0026E FIELD input location is not numeric - [input location] The FIELD input location must be numeric.
JCLPT0027E FIELD conversion option is invalid - [conversion] The specified FIELD conversion option is not valid.
JCLPT0028E FIELD output location is not numeric - [output location] The FIELD output location must be numeric.
JCLPT0029E MAXGPS parameter is too small The specified MAXGPS parameter is less than the total number of IDENT parameters specified in the subsequent RECORD statements.
JCLPT0030E IDENT length value not found No length is specified in the RECORD IDENT statement.
JCLPT0031E IDENT length value is not numeric - [length] The value of the IDENT length must be numeric.
JCLPT0032E IDENT length value is greater than 8 - [length] The IDENT length must not exceed eight bytes.
JCLPT0033E Closing quote for IDENT text was not found The literal that identifies the last record of a record group must be enclosed in apostrophes.
JCLPT0034E IDENT text is shorter than the specified length - [length] The IDENT text is shorter than the length specified in the control statement.
JCLPT0035E IDENT text is longer than the specified length - [length] The IDENT text is longer than the length specified in the control statement.
JCLPT0036E IDENT location is not numeric - [location] The starting location of the field that contains the identifying name in the input records must be a numeric.
JCLPT0037E No TITLE command parameters found The TITLE statement is specified without any parameters.
JCLPT0038E ITEM location is not numeric - [location] The output location specified in the TITLE ITEM statement must be numeric.
JCLPT0039E Closing quote for ITEM text was not found The title or the subtitle literal specified in the TITLE statement must be enclosed in apostrophes.
JCLPT0040E Continuation not found No continuation character was found in column 72 in SYSIN.
JCLPT0041E Continuation starts before Col 4 Continuation must start in column 4.
JCLPT0042I SYSUT1 is partitioned, but TYPORG is PS - directory assumed SYSUT1 is a partitioned dataset, but the specified TYPORG is PS. PO organization is assumed for SYSUT1.
JCLPT0043E SYSUT1 is sequential, but TYPORG is PO SYSUT1 is a sequential dataset, but the specified TYPORG is PO.
JCLPT0044E Invalid SYSUT1 record format - [recfm] SYSUT1 can have only fixed, variable and line sequential record formats.
JCLPT0045E SYSUT2 record length exceeds maximum The maximum record length of SYSUT2 is 145.
JCLPT0046E Invalid SYSUT2 record format - [recfm] The record format of SYSUT2 is always FBA.
JCLPT0047W Incorrect RECORD statement - FIELD extends beyond sysut2 LRECL The FIELD must not exceed the SYSUT2 LRECL.
JCLPT0048E Continuation not started in 4-16 Continuation must be between columns 4 and 16.
JCLPT0049E SYSPRINT record length must be 121 The record length of SYSPRINT must be 121.
JCLPT0050E I/O error on [filename] I/O error on filename.
JCLPT0051E MEMBER not valid for the action [action] - TYPORG not PO No MEMBER statements were found but the specified TYPORG is not PO.
JCLPT0052E SYSIN record length must be 80 The record length of SYSIN must always be 80.
JCLPT0053E SYSUT1 concatenation error - Concatenated libraries are not supported SYSUT1 concatenation is not currently supported.
JCLPT0054E Invalid syntax - [command] A command statement syntax error.
JCLPT0055W Command "command-name" is not currently supported The specified command is not currently supported.
JCLPT0056E File status is [status code] Specifies the returned file status code.
JCLPT0057E IDENT location is greater than SYSUT1 record length - [location] The specified IDENT input-location must not be greater than the SYSUT1 LRECL.
JCLPT0058E FIELD output location is greater than SYSUT2 record length - [location] The specified FIELD output location must not be greater than the SYSUT2 record length.
JCLPT0059E Fatal error returned by [utility] The utility returned an error.
JCLPT0060E Error writing to SYSUT2 - File status is [status code] The SYSUT2 write failed with the specified file status code.
JCLPT0061E Fatal error returned by CBL_DIR_SCAN_START - [status-code] CBL_DIR_SCAN_START has failed.
JCLPT0062E Error returned by CBL_DIR_SCAN_READ - [status-code] CBL_DIR_SCAN_READ has failed.
JCLPT0063E Error reading SYSUT1 - File status is [status-code] The SYSUT1 read failed with the specified file status code.
JCLPT0064E IDENT location is not found The specified IDENT location is not found.
JCLPT0065E ERROR READING SYSIN - File status is [status-code] The SYSIN read failed with the specified file status code.
JCLPT0066E DDNAME SYSIN cannot be opened - File status is [status-code] OPEN failed for SYSIN.
JCLPT0067W MEMBER [member name] cannot be found The specified SYSUT1 member cannot be found.
JCLPT0068E DDNAME SYSUT1 cannot be opened - File status is [status-code] OPEN failed for SYSUT1.
JCLPT0069E DDNAME SYSUT2 cannot be opened - File status is [status-code] OPEN failed for SYSUT2.