CTF Tracing

You can enable CTF tracing for REXX procedures by creating a CTF configuration file and turning on CTF tracing in Enterprise Server.

For example, the CTF configuration file might look like this:

mftrace.dest = binfile
mftrace.emitter.binfile#location  = C:\Users\Public\REXXSAMPLE\rexx
mftrace.level.mf.rexx             = debug

mftrace.comp.mf.rexx#api          = true
mftrace.comp.mf.rexx#commands     = true
mftrace.comp.mf.rexx#exec         = true
mftrace.comp.mf.rexx#execload     = true

Where mftrace.emitter.binfile#location specifies the location you want the trace file to be located. You must specify the CTF trace configuration file to be use in the Enterprise Server Administration user interface. In the Configuration Information field, specify the MFTRACE_CONFIG environment variable, for example:
