Scale-Out Repositories

These resources represent a connection to a third-party configuration store for use in scale-out infrastructure.

To create a PAC:

  1. In the menu bar, click Native.
  2. In the navigation pane, click SORs.
  3. Click +Add, this opens the Scale-Out Repository Configuration dialog box.
  4. In the Name field, type the name of the SOR.
  5. In the Type list, select the SOR type. Redis and Oracle Coherence are supported as SORs. See Scale-Out Performance and Availability Clusters for more information.

    The default is Redis.

    • If Redis is selected, in the Connection Path(s) field, type the server name and port number.

      If you are connecting to a TLS enabled Redis repository, click Enable TLS and then complete the certificate and keyfile fields as required.

      Note: You must specify the Certificate Authority Filepath, Certificate Filepath, and Private Key Filepath properties on the Advanced Region Properties page for all enterprise server region that are part of a PAC which has a TLS enabled Redis SOR.

      If you are using Redis Sentinel or Cluster, you can specify the connection details for multiple nodes. Click + to add an additional node name and port number.

    • If Coherence is selected, in the Connection String field, type the connection string which takes the form [userid@][configfile][,property=[value]]…

      See PAC and SOR Environment Variables for more information.

  6. Click Save.
To edit a SOR:
  • Click the Edit icon at the far right of the row.

SORs in this group are available for use in a PAC.

Important: Only one SOR can be associated with a given PAC. A SOR can be specified with multiple Redis Sentinel or Cluster connections. This configuration can help support high availability. You can specify multiple connections in the Connection Path(s) field.