Environment variables

The following is a list of some of the more common environment variables that you can configure for your PAC. These must be consistent for all member regions:

Name Description Component
CICS_SIT Specifies the name of the SIT used by the region. CICS
ES_ALLOC_OVERRIDE Specifies the location of a file containing rules that determine where new data sets are created. This applies only to JES and batch files, and not CICS, IMS, or Web services files. ES_ALLOC_OVERRIDE=rules-file JCL
ES_CICS_SINGLE Configures CICS so that a user can only log on once. CICS
ES_CLASS_XCMD Overrides the default CICS CMD resource class. CICS
ES_CLASS_XDCT Overrides the default CICS DCT resource class. CICS
ES_CLASS_XFCT Overrides the default CICS FCT resource class. CICS
ES_CLASS_XJCT Overrides the default CICS JCT resource class. CICS
ES_CLASS_XPCT Overrides the default CICS PCT resource class. CICS
ES_CLASS_XPPT Overrides the default CICS PPT resource class. CICS
ES_CLASS_XPSB Overrides the default CICS PSB resource class. CICS
ES_CLASS_XRES Overrides the default CICS DOCTEMPLATE resource class. CICS
ES_CLASS_XTRAN Overrides the default CICS TRAN resource class. CICS
ES_CLASS_XTST Overrides the default CICS TST resource class. CICS
ES_DISABLE_DFLTUSR_SIGNON Disables the default user (mfuser) signon when invoking ES Monitor & Control. CICS
ES_EMP_EXIT_n Specifies the number of Event Manager user exits for the region. JCL
ES_ESM_CMDSEC Indicates whether CICS processing honors the CMDSEC option specified on a transaction's PLT definition. CICS
ES_ESM_PLTPIUSR The user id under which PLT programs run during CICS initialization. CICS
ES_ESM_RESSEC Indicates whether CICS processing honors the RLS security setting specified on a transaction definition (PCT). CICS
ES_ESM_SECPRFX Indicates whether CICS processing prefixes the resource names when making security queries.
Note: The environment variable ES_ESM_SECPRFX is only applied to CICS classes.
ES_ESM_XUSER Indicates whether CICS processing performs surrogate user checks. CICS
ES_PAC_NO_GLOBAL_LOG Stops the messages in the console.log from being stored in the PSOR. PAC
ES_SOR_RETRIES Sets the number of attempts to access records in the PSOR before stopping. PAC
ES_USR_DFLT_CICS Enables you to override the default user when no user is logged on for CICS authentication. CICS
ES_USR_DFLT_JCL Enables you to override the default user when no user is logged on for JCL authentication. JCL
ES_USR_DFLT_JES Enables you to override the default user when no user is logged on for JES authentication. JCL
ES_WORKING_MODE The working mode of the server. This indicates whether the server is to run 32-bit or 64-bit applications
ES_XA_%xaname%_OPTIONS Set for each RM that you require to operate in a multiple attempt mode. See ES_XA_%xaname%_OPTIONS in Environment variables in alphabetical order for details.
Dependency: Must be set along with ES_XA_RECONNECT=Y.
ES_XA_RECONNECT Set this to configure the XA reconnect process to operate in a single attempt mode. See ES_XA_RECONNECT in Environment variables in alphabetical order for details. CICS
MFSYSCAT The location of the JES system catalog. JCL
MFUSERCAT_BASE_LOC If an entry in MFUSERCAT_LOC only specifies the file name of a user catalog rather than the full path and file name, use this environment variable to specify where these catalogs are located JCL
MFUSERCAT_LOC The location of the node(s) set in MFUSERCAT_NODE, separated by semi-colons if more than one is specified. JCL
MFUSERCAT_NODE Sets additional SMS, SPOOL and User catalogs. To enable support for the SMS entities DATACLAS and MGMTCLAS, this variable needs to be set in addition to setting MF_SMS=ON. JCL
Note: This is not an exhaustive list. You should consider all environment variables your PAC uses.