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MFObjectList command

Executes the HCOSS Define Lists tool from the command line.


MFObjectList S=schemaExtractFile;
             [SLocal={TRUE | FALSE};] 
             [OUTLocal={TRUE | FALSE};] 
             [SYSIBM={TRUE | FALSE};] 
             [TYPE={TABLE | VIEW | ALL};] 
             [SCHEMA=DB2Schema1[, DB2Schema2 ...];] 
             [TYPELOG={CONSOLE | FILE | BOTH};]


The name of a schema extract file generated using the HCOSS Schema Extract tool. Do not specify a file extension.
Determines the location of the schema extract file specified by the S parameter. Schema extract files are stored in the \Schemas subdirectory of either of the following, depending on the value specified:
TRUE Directory specified by the Local HCOSS Directory HCOSS option. Default.
FALSE Directory specified by the Shared HCOSS Directory HCOSS option.
The name of the generated object list file. Do not specify a file extension. The default file extension is .hcolst.
Determines the location of the generated object list file. Object list files are stored in the \TargetLists subdirectory of either of the following, depending on the value specified:
TRUE Directory specified by the Local HCOSS Directory HCOSS option. Default.
FALSE Directory specified by the Shared HCOSS Directory HCOSS option.
Full path to and filename of the HCOSS data mapping file. If this specification contains spaces, enclose it in double quotes ("). Defaults to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\hcoss\DataMappings.hcomap.
Specifies whether or not to include the SYSIBM schema. Default is FALSE.
Limits objects to tables only or views only. Default is ALL.
The name of one or more valid DB2 schemas to include on the object list. Separate schema names with a comma (,). You may also use the % wild card character in schema names. Defaults to all schemas specified in the schema extract file.
Filters the object list to include only the specified DB2 table or view name. You may use the % wild card character in table and view names. Defaults to all table and view names.
Sets the type of logging to perform. Defaults to the equivalent of the value specified for the Type of logging to do HCOSS option.
MFObjectList S=LocalSchemaExtract; OUT=LocalObjectList; SCHEMA=MFIREX%,SDI002; TYPELOG=FILE
MFObjectList S=SharedSchemaExtract; SLocal=FALSE; OUT=SharedObjectList; OUTLocal=FALSE; SCHEMA=MFIREX%,SDI002; 
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