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The following parameters of this ICETOOL operator are supported in MFJSORT:

                          V                          |
                        |   +--ON(p,m,f,formatting-+   |             
                        |   +--ON(p,m,HEX)---------+   |                
                        |   +--ON(VLEN)------------+   |
                        |   +--ON(NUM)-------------+   |
                        |                              |
                        |                              |
                        | +------,--------------+      |
                        | V                     |      |
                        |   +-TITLE('string')-+        |
                        |                              |
                        | +-PAGE-+                     |
                        |                              |
                        | +-DATE-------+               |
                        | +-DATE(abcd)-+               |
                        |                              |
                        | +-TIME------+                |
                        | +-TIME(abc)-+                | 
                        |                              |
                        | +-BLANK-+                    |
                        | +-PLUS--+                    |
                        |                              |
                        | +----------,-----------+     |
                        | V                      |     |
                        |   +-HEADER('string')-+       |            
                        |   +-HEADER(NONE)-----+       |                                                       
                        |   +-NOHEADER---------+       |                                                      
                        |                              |
                        | +-LINES(n)-+                 |
                        |                              |
                        | +-TOTAL('string')-+          |
                        |                              |
                        | +-MINIMUM('string')-+        |  
                        |                              |
                        | +-MAXIMUM('string')-+        |  
                        |                              |
                        | +-AVERAGE('string')-+        |  
                        |                              |
                        | +-LIMIT(n)-+                 |  
                        |                              |
                        | +-VSAMTYPE(x)-+              |
                        |                              |
                        | +-WIDTH(n)-+                 |
                        |                              |
                        | +-BREAK(p.m.f)-+             |
                        |                              |
                        | +-BTITLE('string')+          |
                        |                              | 
                        | +-BTOTAL('string')+          |
                        |                              |

Limits and Restrictions:

Parameter Restriction
ON Maximum ON count of 20
HEADER('string') Maximum string size of 50
LINES(n) Range of n = 9-1000
WIDTH(n) Range of n = 121-2048
TITLE('string') Maximum TITLE('string') count is 3
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