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ESF User Exit File Names

ESF User Exit modules, like ESM Modules, are loaded at run time by ESF. In order for ESF to locate and load the correct type of module, and use it successfully, certain rules must be followed. These rules depend on the operating system where Enterprise Server is running.

By default ESF looks for exit modules in specific directories in the product installation area. For Windows, it looks in the bin and bin64 directories, for 32- and 64-bit processes respectively. For UNIX / Linux, it looks in the lib directory. You can load the exit module from a different directory using ESF configuration options, as described in To enable the ESF user exit through configuration.

ESF User Exit module files have a base name, which is the part of the filename that identifies the module file. The base name is followed by a suffix which includes the file extension (.DLL or .so, and on UNIX/Linux platforms may include other characters either before or in the extension.

For example, suppose that you have created an ESF User Exit module and chosen the base name my_exit for it.

On Windows, you would have a 32-bit version of this module named my_exit.dll, and optionally a 64-bit version also named my_exit.dll. Since they have the same name, they would have to be located in different directories, usually the product's bin and bin64 directories.

On UNIX, you would normally create four versions of your exit module and put them in the product's lib directory: Single-threaded, 32-bit Thread-safe, 32-bit Single-threaded, 64-bit Thread-safe, 64-bit
The single-threaded versions can be thread-safe, as long as they do not create threads, so often and will be the same file, and similarly for and
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