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Configure the Shared Memory Namespace

When a shared memory iFileshare listener is started, the listener endpoint uses a localised namespace (based on the user-name that started the iFileshare server).

Later in this tutorial, we start iFileshare from the Enterprise Server Administration page, and that by default starts with a user called mfuser. Without specifying that the endpoint uses a global namespace, user names other than mfuser would not be able to locate the listener, and thus unable to use the iFileshare server.

If you use the TCP/IP protocol, or only require the same user that starts the iFileshare server to process files through iFileshare, then you do not need to complete these steps.

  1. In your product installation's \bin directory, create a cci.ini file if one does not already exist.

    If one already exists in that location, update the following to it.

  2. Within the [ccismem-base] section, add the following option:
  3. Save and close the file

    This will enable different user-names to interact with the iFileshare server.

The next task is to configure iFileshare for advanced logging.
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