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Using the CEDA Transaction to Configure the Host CICS Regions

This procedure describes how to use the IBM-supplied transaction CEDA to configure the host CICS regions. For more information on the CEDA transaction, see the IBM publication CICS/ESA 3.3 Resource Definition.

In the following procedures, accept the default values for the fields that are not described. When you have defined your connection and sessions, and have tested them, you can configure the connections and settings to be installed automatically on the host CICS region at startup. You can do this by adding the group to your CICS startup list.

  1. In CICS, on the host system, enter the following transaction:

    transaction 'CEDA DEFINE GROUP(group_name) CONNECTION(connection_name)

    where group_name is the name of the group containing the connection connection_name. A transaction using the example values in this chapter is:


  2. In the Netname field, under Connection Identifiers, type the netname of you local COBOL system and press Enter. You should receive the message Define Successful near the bottom of the screen.
  3. Press PF3 to end CEDA, followed by Clear.
  4. Enter the transaction:

    CEDA DEFINE GROUP(group_name) SESSION(session_name)

    where group_name is the name of the group containing the session session_name. A transaction using the example values in this chapter is:


  5. In the Connection field, under Session Identifiers, type the name of the connection you have defined. The example value is LU21.
  6. In the MOdename field, under Session Identifiers, type the name of the mode table that you are using. The example value is #INTER.
  7. In Session Properties you need to enter the maximum number of sessions in the group and the maximum number of contention winners. Example values are 8 and 4 respectively.
  8. If required, change send size and receive size default values. This will depend on your mode table.
  9. Press Enter and you should receive the message Define Successful near the bottom of the screen.
  10. Press PF3 to end CEDA, followed by Clear.
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