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Catalog Entry (JES)

Use this page to add an entry to the catalog or to view and change information for a cataloged data set.


Click this to apply your changes to the entry in the catalog.


Click this to copy a catalog entry.


Click this to delete the data set from the disk.

DS Name

If you are adding an entry, specify the data set name of the file, in mainframe format. If you are viewing an entry, shows the data set name of the file, in mainframe format.


Check this if you want the file to be included in the catalog.

Physical File

If you are adding an entry, specify the filename of the physical file held on your machine, in the format of your local operating system. If you are viewing an entry, shows the filename of the file, in the format of your local operating system.


Shows the data set organization of the data set. Can be one of:

DA Direct access
GDG Generation data group
IS Indexed sequential
PDSM Partitioned data set member (Micro Focus organization)
PO Partitioned
PS Physical sequential
VSAM Virtual storage access method

When selecting VSAM in the DS Org field, a ShareOptions section appears. A list box allows you to set the following:

  • Cross Region: Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4. A value of 0 (zero) means that SHAREOPTIONS are not applied to the DSN. See SHAREOPTIONS for a description of the other values.
  • Cross System: Valid values are 0, 3 or 4. Any value set for Cross System is read and stored in the catalog and in the data file, which can be included when sending a job step to the mainframe for processing.

Shows the record format of the data set. For all data set organizations except VSAM can be one of:

F Fixed
FA Fixed
FB Fixed blocked
FBA Fixed blocked
FBM Fixed blocked
FBS Fixed blocked, spanned
FM Fixed
FS Fixed spanned
LSEQ Line sequential
U Undefined
V Variable
VA Variable
VB Variable blocked
VBA Variable blocked
VBM Variable blocked
VBS Variable blocked, spanned
VM Variable
VS Variable, spanned

For VSAM data set organization can be one of:

ES Entry sequence
KS Key sequence
LS Linear sequence
RR Relative record

Specify the codeset in which you want the contents to be stored. Defaults to ASCII.


Shows the date and time the file was created.


Specify the record length for fixed-length records, or the maximum record length for variable-length records, including the 4-byte record header.


Shows the date and time the file was last used in a job.

Specify the length of a block in bytes.

Click this to display the contents of the file.


Specify the number of the record where you want the display of the file contents to start. Defaults to 1.


Specify how many records you want to be displayed. Clear the for field to view all the records in a file. Defaults to 10000. If there were more records than you requested, the final line in the listing warns you that the output was curtailed.

Attention: If you ask for all the records to be displayed in a very large file, your browser will take some time to display all the records, and might run out of memory.
Codeset (for display)

Choose the codeset in which you want the contents to be displayed. Defaults to ASCII.

If you select Both, the system tries to display the contents without regard to the codeset used. For example, the strings x'41424344' and x'a1a2a3a4' are both displayed as "ABCD". You might find this of use if you are not sure what codeset was used to create the file.

The value 'Dump' gives you a hexadecimal dump of the file.


Check this if you want extra details to be included in the display of the file contents.

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