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Using UNIX Paths in the Catalog

By default, files are added to the catalog with their workstation file location set to the same path they were downloaded to. You can override this path using the /CATOVERRIDE=unix-path argument.

The value of the /CATOVERRIDE argument replaces the <catalogfolder> token when the file is added to the catalog. This enables you to import files to a Windows folder, but store them in the catalog as a Unix path. For this to work, the download target must start with the <catalogfolder> token, as this token is replaced by the value of the /CATOVERRIDE argument.


The following command downloads the file to c:\proj\dir\ but then sets the catalog entry workstation file location to /user/user1/dir/ This happens because <catalogfolder> in the import target is replaced with c:\proj while downloading, but is then replaced with /user/user1/ when adding the entry to the catalog.

MFDAS IMPORT "<catalogfolder>\dir\*" FROM AUTO /CATLOC=c:\proj\catalog.dat /CATOVERRIDE=/user/user1/
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