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Reading Test Results

The Results tab shows you the following information:

Type or RS Name

Shows whether this is a parameter or a result set. Result set names correspond to the cursor name defined in the DECLARE CURSOR statement.

Data Name

The parameter name or the column name of the data in the result set.

Row Number

Parameters display a row number of 0; result sets display the row number fetched from the result set that corresponds to the cursor name defined in the DECLARE CURSOR statement.


  • Input - the value of the input parameter
  • Output - the value of the output parameter
  • Input only side file - the value that was found in the side file
  • Input/Output or Output side file - the side file name
  • Special register - the name of the special register (not the value of the special register)

Reporting the name of the special register rather than its value makes it somewhat easier to do regression testing in that you get consistent results when using special registers such as CURRENT DATE.

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