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Running Tests

Note: This is a technology preview feature only. It is being made available to allow you to test and provide feedback on this new capability, but it is not intended for production use and is not supported as such. Furthermore, Micro Focus does not guarantee that this feature will be delivered at a GA level and if it is, then the functionality provided might differ considerably from this technology preview. During the preview, you are encouraged to share your feedback and experiences via the Micro Focus community forum -

Using the test runner, you can run a test suite (containing multiple test cases) or you can run individual test cases within a suite.

If you run a test suite from the Enterprise Developer command line or shell prompt, the options you specify are applied to all test cases that are run.

You can also run a test suite using a test fixture file (.mfu file), which provides some additional options that you can apply on an individual test case basis. Alternatively, you can use dynamic metadata in a test case by including an entry point called during the preparation stage of the test case. Then, during the execution of the entry point, you can update the metadata for the test case by changing various fields exposed through the mfunit.cpy copybook.

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